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History of the USA

United States, history of the

Many peoples have contributed to the development of the United States of

America, a vast nation that arose from a scattering of British colonial

outposts in the New World. The first humans to inhabit the North American

continent were migrants from northeast Asia who established settlements in

North America as early as 8000 BC and possibly much earlier (see NORTH

AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY). By about AD 1500 the native peoples of the areas

north of the Rio Grande had developed a variety of different cultures (see

INDIANS, AMERICAN). The vast region stretching eastward from the Rocky

Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean was relatively sparsely populated by tribes

whose economies were generally based on hunting and gathering, fishing, and


VIKINGS explored the North American mainland in the 10th and 11th centuries

and settled there briefly (see VINLAND). Of more lasting importance,

however, was the first voyage (1492-93) of Christopher COLUMBUS, which

inaugurated an age of great European EXPLORATION of the Western Hemisphere.

Various European states (including Spain, France, England, the Netherlands,

and Portugal) and their trading companies sent out expeditions to explore

the New World during the century and a half that followed.

The Spanish claimed vast areas, including Florida, Mexico, and the region

west of the Mississippi River, although they concentrated their settlement

south of the Rio Grande. The French explored much of the area that became

Canada and established several settlements there. Of most significance,

however, for the subsequent development of the United States, was the

English colonization of the region along the Atlantic coast.


At the end of the period of turmoil associated with the Protestant

Reformation in England, the English people became free to turn their

attention to some other matters and to seek new opportunities outside their

tiny island. Internal stability under Elizabeth I (r. 1558-1603) and an

expanding economy combined with a bold intellectual ferment to produce a

soaring self-confidence. Ireland experienced the first impact: by the

beginning of the 17th century it had been wholly subjugated by the English.

Scottish and English Protestants were dispatched to "colonize" where the

savage Irish, as they were called, had been expelled, especially in the

northern provinces. Then, entrepreneurs began to look to North America,

claimed by England on the basis of the voyages of discovery of John CABOT


The Chesapeake Colonies

The English had failed in their attempts in the 1580s to found a colony at

ROANOKE on the Virginia coast. In 1606, however, the LONDON COMPANY,

established to exploit North American resources, sent settlers to what in

1607 became JAMESTOWN, the first permanent English colony in the New World.

The colonists suffered extreme hardships, and by 1622, of the more than

10,000 who had immigrated, only 2,000 remained alive. In 1624 control of

the failing company passed to the crown, making Virginia a royal colony.

Soon the tobacco trade was flourishing, the death rate had fallen, and with

a legislature (the House of Burgesses, established in 1619) and an

abundance of land, the colony entered a period of prosperity. Individual

farms, available at low cost, were worked primarily by white indentured

servants (laborers who were bound to work for a number of years to pay for

their passage before receiving full freedom). The Chesapeake Bay area

became a land of opportunity for poor English people.

In 1632, Maryland was granted to the CALVERT family as a personal

possession, to serve as a refuge for Roman Catholics. Protestants, as well,

flooded into the colony, and in 1649 the Toleration Act was issued,

guaranteeing freedom of worship in Maryland to all Trinitarian Christians.

The New England Colonies

In 1620, Puritan Separatists, later called PILGRIMS, sailed on the

MAYFLOWER to New England, establishing PLYMOUTH COLONY, the first permanent

settlement there. They were followed in 1629 by other Puritans (see

PURITANISM), under the auspices of the MASSACHUSETTS BAY COMPANY, who

settled the area around Boston. During the Great Puritan Migration that

followed (1629-42), about 16,000 settlers arrived in the Massachusetts Bay

Colony. The Puritans set out to build a "city on a hill" intended to

provide a model of godly living for the world. Strict Calvinists, strongly

communal, and living in closely bound villages, they envisioned a God

angered at human transgressions, who chose, purely according to his

inscrutable will, a mere "righteous fragment" for salvation. Dissidents of

a Baptist orientation founded Rhode Island (chartered 1644). In 1639,

Puritans on what was then the frontier established the Fundamental Orders

of Connecticut, the first written constitution in North America; the colony

was chartered in 1662. The settlements in New Hampshire that sprang up in

the 1620s were finally proclaimed a separate royal colony in 1679. Plymouth

later became (1691) part of the royal colony of Massachusetts.

The Restoration Colonies

A long era (1642-60) of turmoil in England, which included the Civil War,

Oliver Cromwell's republican Commonwealth, and the Protectorate, ended with

the restoration of the Stuarts in the person of Charles II. An amazing

period ensued, during which colonies were founded and other acquisitions

were made. In 1663, Carolina was chartered; settlement began in 1670, and

from the start the colony flourished. The territory later came under royal

control as South Carolina (1721) and North Carolina (1729).

In 1664 an English fleet arrived to claim by right of prior discovery the

land along the Hudson and Delaware rivers that had been settled and

occupied by the Dutch since 1624. Most of NEW NETHERLAND now became New

York colony and its principal settlement, New Amsterdam, became the city of

New York. New York colony, already multiethnic and strongly commercial in

spirit, came under control of the crown in 1685. New Jersey, sparsely

settled by the Dutch, Swedes, and others, was also part of this English

claim. Its proprietors divided it into East and West Jersey in 1676, but

the colony was reunited as a royal province in 1702.

In 1681, Pennsylvania, and in 1682, what eventually became (1776) Delaware,

were granted to William PENN, who founded a great Quaker settlement in and

around Philadelphia. Quaker theology differed widely from that of the New

England Puritans. Believing in a loving God who speaks directly to each

penitent soul and offers salvation freely, Quakers found elaborate church

organizations and ordained clerics unnecessary.

Indian Wars

In 1675 disease-ridden and poverty-stricken Indians in New England set off

against the whites. Almost every Massachusetts town experienced the horror

of Indian warfare; thousands on both sides were slaughtered before King

Philip, the Wampanoag chief, was killed in 1676 and the war ended.

Virginians, appalled at this event, in 1676 began attacking the

Occaneechees despite the disapproval of the royal governor, Sir William

BERKELEY. Then, under Nathaniel Bacon, dissatisfied and angry colonists

expelled Berkeley from Jamestown and proclaimed Bacon's Laws, which gave

the right to vote to all freedmen. Royal troops soon arrived to put down

the uprising, known as.

Along the Mohawk River in New York, the Five Nations of the IROQUOIS LEAGUE

maintained their powerful confederacy with its sophisticated governing

structure and strong religious faith. Allies of the English against the

French along the Saint Lawrence River, they dominated a vast region

westward to Lake Superior with their powerful and well-organized armies.

The FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS, a series of great wars between the two European

powers and their Indian allies, ended in 1763 when French rule was

eradicated from North America and Canada was placed under the British


18th-Century Social and Economic Developments

In the 1700s the British colonies grew rapidly in population and wealth. A

formerly crude society acquired a polished and numerous elite. Trade and

cities flourished. The 250,000 settlers who had lived in the mainland

colonies to the south of Canada in 1700 became 2,250,000 by 1775 and would

grow to 5,300,000 by 1800. Settlement expanded widely from the coastal

beachheads of the 17th century into back-country regions with profoundly

divergent ways of life.

Several non-English ethnic groups migrated to the British colonies in large

numbers during the 18th century. By 1775, Germans, who settled primarily in

the Middle Colonies but also in the back-country South, numbered about

250,000. They were members of the Lutheran and German Reformed (Calvinist)

churches or of pietist sects (Moravians, Mennonites, Amish, and the like);

the pietists, in particular, tended to live separately, avoiding English-

speaking peoples. From the 1730s waves of Scots-Irish immigrants, numbering

perhaps 250,000 by the time of the Revolution, swelled the ranks of the non-

English group. Forming dense settlements in Pennsylvania, as well as in

New York's Hudson Valley and in the back-country South, they brought with

them the Presbyterian church, which was to become widely prominent in

American life. Many of these immigrants were indentured servants; a small

percentage were criminals, transported from the jails of England, where

they had been imprisoned for debt or for more serious crimes. The colony of

Georgia was granted in 1732 to reformers, led by James OGLETHORPE, who

envisioned it as an asylum for English debtors, as well as a buffer against

Spanish Florida. Georgia, too, was colonized by many non-English people.

The Growth of Slavery

Slaves from Africa were used in small numbers in the colonies from about

1619 (see BLACK AMERICANS; SLAVERY). After British merchants joined the

Dutch in the slave trade later in the 17th century, prices tumbled and

increasing numbers of black people were transported into the southern

colonies to be used for plantation labor. Slaves were also used in the

northern colonies, but in far fewer numbers. The survival rates as well as

birthrates tended to be high for slaves brought to the North American

mainland colonies--in contrast to those transported to the West Indies or

to South America.

The expansion of slavery was the most fateful event of the pre-

Revolutionary years. Virginia had only about 16,000 slaves in 1700; by 1770

it held more than 187,000, or almost half the population of the colony. In

low country South Carolina, with its rice and indigo plantations, only

25,000 out of a total population of 100,000 were white in 1775. Fearful

whites mounted slave patrols and exacted savage penalties upon

transgression in order to maintain black passivity.

Meanwhile, on the basis of abundant slave labor, the world of great

plantations emerged, creating sharp distinctions in wealth among whites.

Southern society was dominated by the aristocracy; however, whites of all

classes were united in their fear of blacks. Miscegenation was common,

especially where slaves were most numerous, and mulattos were regarded as

black, not white. An almost total absence of government in this sparsely

settled, rural southern environment resulted in complete license on the

part of owners in the treatment of their slaves. Paradoxically, the ideal

of liberty--of freedom from all restraints--was powerful in the southern

white mind.

Religious Trends

As transatlantic trade increased, communication between the colonies and

England became closer, and English customs and institutions exerted a

stronger influence on the Americans. The aristocracy aped London fashions,

and colonials participated in British cultural movements. The Church of

England, the established church in the southern colonies and in the four

counties in and around New York City, grew in status and influence. At the

same time, in both Britain and America, an increasingly rationalistic and

scientific outlook, born in the science of Sir Isaac NEWTON and the

philosophy of John LOCKE, made religious observance more logical and of

this world. Deism and so-called natural religion scoffed at Christianity

and the Bible as a collection of ancient superstitions.

Then from England came an upsurge of evangelical Protestantism, led by John

Wesley (the eventual founder of the Methodist church; see WESLEY family)

and George WHITEFIELD. It sought to combat the new rationalism and foster a

revival of enthusiasm in Christian faith and worship. Beginning in 1738,

with Whitefield's arrival in the colonies, a movement known as the GREAT

AWAKENING swept the colonials, gaining strength from an earlier outbreak of

revivalism in Massachusetts (1734-35) led by Jonathan EDWARDS. Intensely

democratic in spirit, the Great Awakening was the first intercolonial

cultural movement. It vastly reenergized a Puritanism that, since the mid-

1600s, had lost its vigor. All churches were electrified by its power--

either in support or in opposition. The movement also revived the earlier

Puritan notion that America was to be a "city on a hill," a special place

of God's work, to stand in sharp contrast to what was regarded as corrupt

and irreligious England.


By the middle of the 18th century the wave of American expansion was

beginning to top the Appalachian rise and move into the valley of the Ohio.

Colonial land companies looked covetously to that frontier. The French,

foreseeing a serious threat to their fur trade with the Indians, acted

decisively. In 1749 they sent an expedition to reinforce their claim to the

Ohio Valley and subsequently established a string of forts there. The

British and the colonists were forced to respond to the move or suffer the

loss of the vast interior, long claimed by both British and French. The

French and Indian War (1754-63) that resulted became a worldwide conflict,

called the SEVEN YEARS' WAR in Europe. At its end, the British had taken

over most of France's colonial empire as well as Spanish Florida and had

become dominant in North America except for Spain's possessions west of the

Mississippi River.

Rising Tensions

A delirious pride over the victory swept the colonies and equaled that of

the British at home. Outbursts of patriotic celebration and cries of

loyalty to the crown infused the Americans. The tremendous cost of the war

itself and the huge responsibility accompanying the new possessions,

however, left Britain with an immense war debt and heavy administrative

costs. At the same time the elimination of French rule in North America

lifted the burden of fear of that power from the colonists, inducing them

to be more independent-minded. The war effort itself had contributed to a

new sense of pride and confidence in their own military prowess. In

addition, the rapid growth rate of the mid-18th century had compelled

colonial governments to become far more active than that of old,

established England. Because most male colonists possessed property and the

right to vote, the result was the emergence of a turbulent world of

democratic politics.

London authorities attempted to meet the costs of imperial administration

by levying a tax on the colonials; the STAMP ACT of 1765 required a tax on

all public documents, newspapers, notes and bonds, and almost every other

printed paper. A raging controversy that brought business practically to a

standstill erupted in the colonies. A Stamp Act Congress, a gathering of

representatives from nine colonies, met in New York in October 1765 to

issue a solemn protest. It held that the colonials possessed the same

rights and liberties as did the British at home, among which was the

principle that "no taxes be imposed on them but with their own consent,

given personally or by their representatives." In March 1766, Parliament

repealed the Stamp Act; it passed the Declaratory Act, asserting its

complete sovereignty over the colonies.

Thereafter the transatlantic controversy was rarely quiet. The colonists

regarded the standing army of about 6,000 troops maintained by London in

the colonies after 1763 with great suspicion--such a peacetime force had

never been present before. British authorities defended the force as

necessary to preserve peace on the frontier, especially after PONTIAC'S

REBELLION (1763-65), which had been launched by the brilliant Indian leader

Pontiac to expel the British from the interior and restore French rule. In

another attempt to quell Indian unrest, London established the Proclamation

Line of 1763. Set along the crest of the Appalachians, the line represented

a limit imposed on colonial movement west until a more effective Indian

program could be developed. The colonists were much angered by the

prohibition. Historical memories of the use of standing armies by European

kings to override liberty caused widespread suspicion among the colonists

that the soldiers stationed on the Line of 1763 were to be employed not

against the Indians, but against the colonials themselves should they prove

difficult to govern.

Indeed, for many years colonists had been reading the radical British

press, which argued the existence of a Tory plot in England to crush

liberty throughout the empire. Surviving from the English Civil War of the

previous century was a profound distrust of monarchy among a small fringe

of radical members of Britain's Whig party, primarily Scots and Irish and

English Dissenters--that is, Protestants who were not members of the Church

of England. As members of the minority out-groups in British life, they had

suffered many political and economic disadvantages. Radical Whigs insisted

that a corrupt network of Church of England bishops, great landlords, and

financiers had combined with the royal government to exploit the community

at large, and that--frightened of criticism--this Tory conspiracy sought to

destroy liberty and freedom.

In the cultural politics of the British Empire, American colonists were

also an out-group; they bitterly resented the disdain and derision shown

them by the metropolitan English. Furthermore, most free colonists were

either Dissenters (the Congregationalists in New England and the

Presbyterians and Baptists in New York and the South); or non-English

peoples with ancient reasons for hating the English (the Scots-Irish); or

outsiders in a British-dominated society (Germans and Dutch); or

slaveowners sharply conscious of the distaste with which they were regarded

by the British at home.

A divisive controversy racked the colonies in the mid-18th century

concerning the privileges of the Church of England. Many believed in the

existence of an Anglican plot against religious liberty. In New England it

was widely asserted that the colonial tie to immoral, affluent, Anglican-

dominated Britain was endangering the soul of America. Many southerners

also disapproved of the ostentatious plantation living that grew out of the

tobacco trade--as well as the widespread bankruptcies resulting from

dropping tobacco prices--and urged separation from Britain.

The current ideology among many colonists was that of republicanism. The

radicalism of the 18th century, it called for grounding government in the

people, giving them the vote, holding frequent elections, abolishing

established churches, and separating the powers of government to guard

against tyranny. Republicans also advocated that most offices be elective

and that government be kept simple, limited, and respectful of the rights

of citizens.

Deterioration of Imperial Ties

In this prickly atmosphere London's heavy-handedness caused angry reactions

on the part of Americans. The Quartering Act of 1765 ordered colonial

assemblies to house the standing army; to override the resulting protests

in America, London suspended the New York assembly until it capitulated. In

1767 the TOWNSHEND ACTS levied tariffs on many articles imported into the

colonies. These imports were designed to raise funds to pay wages to the

army as well as to the royal governors and judges, who had formerly been

dependent on colonial assemblies for their salaries. Nonimportation

associations immediately sprang up in the colonies to boycott British

goods. When mob attacks prevented commissioners from enforcing the revenue

laws, part of the army was placed (1768) in Boston to protect the

commissioners. This action confirmed the colonists' suspicion that the

troops were maintained in the colonies to deprive them of their liberty. In

March 1770 a group of soldiers fired into a crowd that was harassing them,

killing five persons; news of the BOSTON MASSACRE spread through the


The chastened ministry in London now repealed all the Townshend duties

except for that on tea. Nonetheless, the economic centralization long

reflected in the NAVIGATION ACTS--which compelled much of the colonial

trade to pass through Britain on its way to the European continent--served

to remind colonials of the heavy price exacted from them for membership in

the empire. The Sugar Act of 1764, latest in a long line of such

restrictive measures, produced by its taxes a huge revenue for the crown.

By 1776 it drained from the colonies about 600,000 pounds sterling, an

enormous sum. The colonial balance of trade with England was always

unfavorable for the Americans, who found it difficult to retain enough cash

to purchase necessary goods.

In 1772 the crown, having earlier declared its right to dismiss colonial

judges at its pleasure, stated its intention to pay directly the salaries

of governors and judges in Massachusetts. Samuel ADAMS, for many years a

passionate republican, immediately created the intercolonial Committee of

Correspondence. Revolutionary sentiment mounted. In December 1773 swarms of

colonials disguised as Mohawks boarded recently arrived tea ships in Boston

harbor, flinging their cargo into the water. The furious royal government

responded to this BOSTON TEA PARTY by the so-called INTOLERABLE ACTS of

1774, practically eliminating self-government in Massachusetts and closing

Boston's port.

Virginia moved to support Massachusetts by convening the First CONTINENTAL

CONGRESS in Philadelphia in the fall of 1774. It drew up declarations of

rights and grievances and called for nonimportation of British goods.

Colonial militia began drilling in the Massachusetts countryside. New

Englanders were convinced that they were soon to have their churches placed

under the jurisdiction of Anglican bishops. They believed, as well, that

the landowning British aristocracy was determined, through the levying of

ruinous taxes, to reduce the freeholding yeomanry of New England to the

status of tenants. The word "slavery" was constantly on their lips.

The War for Independence

In April 1775, Gen. Thomas GAGE in Boston was instructed to take the

offensive against the Massachusetts troublemakers, now declared traitors to

the crown. Charged with bringing an end to the training of militia and

gathering up all arms and ammunition in colonial hands, on April 19, Gage

sent a body of 800 soldiers to Concord to commandeer arms. On that day, the

Battles of LEXINGTON AND CONCORD took place, royal troops fled back to

Boston, and American campfires began burning around the city. The war of


It soon became a world war, with England's European enemies gladly joining

in opposing England in order to gain revenge for past humiliations. British

forces were engaged in battle from the Caribbean and the American colonies

to the coasts of India. Furthermore, the United Colonies, as the

Continental Congress called the rebelling 13 colonies, were widely

scattered in a huge wilderness and were occupied by a people most of whom

were in arms. The dispersion of the American population meant that the

small (by modern standards) cities of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia

could be taken and held for long periods without affecting the outcome.

LOYALISTS numbered about 60,000, living predominantly along the coast where

people of English ethnic background and anglicized culture were most

numerous, but they were widely separated and weak. Pennsylvania's Quakers

had looked to the crown as their protector against the Scots-Irish and

other militant groups in Pennsylvania. The Quakers were appalled at the

rebellion, aggressively led in the Middle Colonies by the Presbyterian

Scots-Irish, and refused to lend it support. London deluded itself,

however, with the belief that the Loyalists represented a majority that

would soon resume control and end the conflict.

Within a brief period after the Battle of Concord, practically all royal

authority disappeared from the 13 colonies. Rebel governments were

established in each colony, and the Continental Congress in Philadelphia

provided a rudimentary national government. The task now before the British

was to fight their way back onto the continent, reestablish royal

governments in each colony, and defeat the colonial army. By March 1776 the

British evacuated Boston, moving to take and hold New York City. Within

days of the British arrival in New York, however, the Congress in

Philadelphia issued (July 4) the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. In December

1776, Gen. George WASHINGTON reversed the early trend of American defeats

by a stunning victory at Trenton, N.J. (see TRENTON, BATTLE OF).

Thereafter, as the fighting wore on and the cause survived, Washington

became in America and abroad a symbol of strength and great bravery.

In February 1778 the French joined the conflict by signing an alliance with

the Continental Congress. With the aid of the French fleet the British army

in the north was reduced to a bridgehead at New York City. Shifting its

efforts to the south, the royal army campaigned through Georgia and the

Carolinas between 1778 and 1780, marching to the James Peninsula, in

Virginia, in 1781. Here, in the YORKTOWN CAMPAIGN, by the combined efforts

of Washington's troops and the French army and navy, Lord CORNWALLIS was

forced to surrender on Oct. 19, 1781. The fighting, effectively, was over.

In September 1783 the Treaty of Paris secured American independence on

generous terms. The new nation was given an immense domain that ran

westward to the Mississippi River (except for Britain's Canadian colonies

and East and West Florida, which reverted to Spanish rule).


The first federal constitution of the new American republic was the

ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION. With ratification of that document in 1781, the

nation had adopted its formal name, the United States of America.

Government under the Articles of Confederation

Under the Articles the only national institution was the Confederation

Congress, with limited powers not unlike those of the United Nations. The

states retained their sovereignty, with each state government selecting

representatives to sit in the Congress. No national executive or judiciary

had been established. Each state delegation received an equal vote on all

issues. Congress was charged with carrying on the foreign relations of the

United States, but because it had no taxing powers (it could only request

funds from the states), it had no strength to back up its diplomacy. In

addition, it had no jurisdiction over interstate commerce; each state could

erect tariffs against its neighbors.

The Confederation Congress, however, achieved one great victory: it

succeeded in bringing all 13 of the states to agree on a plan for

organizing and governing the western territories (the "public lands")

beyond the Appalachians. Each state ceded its western claims to the

Congress, which in three ordinances dealing with the Northwest (1784, 1785,

and 1787) provided that new states established in the western regions would

be equal in status to the older ones. After a territorial stage of quasi

self-government, they would pass to full statehood. The land in the

NORTHWEST TERRITORY (the Old Northwest, that is, the area north of the Ohio

River) would be surveyed in square parcels, 6 mi (9.7 km) on a side,

divided into 36 sections, and sold to settlers at low cost; one plot would

be reserved for the support of public schools. Furthermore, slavery was

declared illegal in the Northwest Territory. (The Southwest Territory,

below the Ohio, was organized by the later federal Congress in 1790 as

slave country.)

The Confederation Congress, however, did not survive. Because of its lack

of taxing power, its currency was of little value; widespread social

turbulence in the separate states led many Americans to despair of the new

nation. The republic--regarded as a highly precarious form of government in

a world of monarchies--was founded with the conviction that the people

would exercise the virtue and self-denial required under self- government.

Soon, however, that assumption seemed widely discredited. SHAYS'S REBELLION

in Massachusetts (1786-87) was an attempt to aid debtors by forcibly

closing the court system; mobs terrorized legislators and judges to achieve

this end. The new state legislatures, which had assumed all powers when

royal governors were expelled, confiscated property, overturned judicial

decisions, issued floods of unsecured paper money, and enacted torrents of

legislation, some of it ex post facto (effective retroactively).

The established social and political elite (as distinct from the rough new

antiauthoritarian politicians who had begun to invade the state

legislatures, talking aggressively of "democracy" and "liberty") urgently

asserted the need for a strong national government. The influence that the

London authorities had formerly provided as a balance to local government

was absent. Minorities that had been protected by the crown, such as the

Baptists in Massachusetts and the Quakers in Pennsylvania, were now

defenseless. The wealthy classes maintained that they were at the mercy of

the masses. The new United States was so weak that it was regarded

contemptuously all over the world and its diplomats ignored.

The Constitutional Convention of 1787

A chain of meetings, beginning with one between Virginia and Maryland in

1786 to solve mutual commercial problems and including the larger ANNAPOLIS


Philadelphia in 1787. Deciding to start afresh and fashion a new national

government independent of, and superior to, the states, the delegates made

a crucial decision: the nation's source of sovereignty was to lie in the

people directly, not in the existing states. Using the British Parliament

as a model, they provided for a CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES that would

have two houses to check and balance one another. One house would be

elected directly by the people of each state, with representation

proportionate to population; the other would provide equal representation

for each state (two senators each), to be chosen by the state legislatures.

The powers of the national government were to be those previously exercised

by London: regulation of interstate and foreign commerce, foreign affairs

and defense, and Indian affairs; control of the national domain; and

promotion of "the general welfare." Most important, the Congress was

empowered to levy "taxes, duties, imposts, and excises." The states were

prohibited from carrying on foreign relations, coining money, passing ex

post facto laws, impairing the obligations of contracts, and establishing

tariffs. Furthermore, if social turbulence within a state became serious,

the federal government, following invitation by the legislature or the

executive of that state, could bring in troops to insure "a republican form

of government."

A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES with powers much like those of the British

king, except that the office would be elective, was created. Chosen by a

special body (an ELECTORAL COLLEGE), the president would be an independent

and powerful national leader, effectively in command of the government.

Recalling the assaults on judicial power that had been rampant in the

states, the Constitutional Convention also created a fully independent

SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, members of which could be removed only

if they committed a crime. Then, most important, the document that was

drawn up at Philadelphia stated that the Constitution, as well as laws and

treaties made under the authority of the U.S. government, "shall be the

supreme Law of the Land."

The proposed constitution was to be ratified by specially elected ratifying

conventions in each state and to become operative after nine states had

ratified it. In the national debate that arose over ratification, ANTI-

FEDERALISTS opposed the concentration of power in the national government

under the document; a key question was the absence of a BILL OF RIGHTS.

Many Americans thought that a bill of rights was necessary to preserve

individual liberties, and to accommodate this view proponents of the

Constitution promised to add such a bill to the document after

ratification. With the clear understanding that amendments would be added,

ratification by nine states was completed (1788) and the CONSTITUTION OF

THE UNITED STATES became operative. The Bill of Rights was then drafted by

the first Congress and became the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

Diverging Visions of the American Republic

In the first elections for the new federal Congress (1789), those favoring

the new system won a huge majority. George Washington was unanimously

elected to be chief executive, the only president so honored. He was

inaugurated in the temporary capital, New York City, on Apr. 30, 1789. The

American experiment in republican self-government now began again. The

unanimity expressed in Washington's election would prove short- lived.

Under the leadership of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander HAMILTON,

Congress pledged (1790) the revenues of the federal government to pay off

all the outstanding debt of the old Articles of Confederation government as

well as the state debts. Much of the domestic debt was in currency that had

badly depreciated in value, but Congress agreed to fund it at its higher

face value; at one stroke, the financial credit of the new government was

assured. Southerners, however, mistrusted the plan, claiming that it served

only to enrich northern speculators because the southern states had largely

paid off their debts. Many southerners feared, too, that the new nation

would be dominated by New Englanders, whose criticism of southern slavery

and living styles offended them. Before assenting to the funding proposal,

the southerners had obtained agreement that the national capital (after 10

years in Philadelphia) would be placed in the South, on the Potomac River.

In 1791, Hamilton persuaded Congress to charter the BANK OF THE UNITED

STATES, modeled after the Bank of England. Primarily private (some of its

trustees would be federally appointed), it would receive and hold the

government's revenues, issue currency and regulate that of state-chartered

banks, and be free to invest as it saw fit the federal tax moneys in its

vaults. Because it would control the largest pool of capital in the

country, it could shape the growth of the national economy. Hamilton also

proposed (with limited success) that protective tariffs be established to

exclude foreign goods and thus stimulate the development of U.S. factories.

In short, he laid out the economic philosophy of what became the FEDERALIST

PARTY: that the government should actively encourage economic growth by

providing aid to capitalists. Flourishing cities and a vigorous industrial

order: this was the American future he envisioned. His strongly nationalist

position gained the support of the elites in New York City and Philadelphia

as well as broad-based support among the Yankees of New England.

On the other hand, southerners, a rural and widely dispersed people, feared

the cities and the power of remote bankers. With Thomas JEFFERSON they

worked to counteract the Federalists' anglicized vision of the United

States. Southerners rejected the concept of an active government,

preferring one committed to laissez-faire (that is, allowing people to act

without government interference) in all areas--economic and cultural.

Jefferson declared that close ties between government and capitalists would

inevitably lead to corruption and exploitation. In his view, behind-the-

scene schemers would use graft to secure special advantages (tariffs,

bounties, and the like) that would allow them to profiteer at the

community's expense.

The Middle Atlantic states at first supported the nationalistic

Federalists, who won a second term for Washington in 1792 and elected John

ADAMS to the presidency in 1796. However, many of the Scots-Irish, Germans,

and Dutch in these states disliked Yankees and distrusted financiers and

business proprietors. The growing working class in Philadelphia and New

York City turned against the Federalists' elitism. By 1800 the ethnic

minorities of the Middle Atlantic states helped swing that region behind

Jefferson, a Virginian, and his Democratic-Republican party, giving the

presidency to Jefferson. Thereafter, until 1860, with few intermissions,

the South and the Middle Atlantic states together dominated the federal

government. Although the U.S. Constitution had made no mention of POLITICAL

PARTIES, it had taken only a decade for the development of a party system

that roughly reflected two diverging visions for the new republic.

Political parties would remain an integral part of the American system of


During the 1790s, however, foreign affairs became dominant, and dreams of

republican simplicity and quietude were dashed. A long series of wars

between Britain and Revolutionary France began in that decade, and the

Americans were inevitably pulled into the fray. By JAY'S TREATY (1794) the

United States reluctantly agreed to British wartime confiscation of U.S.

ship cargoes, alleged to be contraband, in return for British evacuation of

western forts on American soil and the opening of the British West Indies

to U.S. vessels. Under John Adams, similar depredations by the French navy

against American trading ships led to the Quasi-War (1798-1801) on the high

seas. Federalist hysteria over alleged French-inspired subversion produced

the ALIEN AND SEDITION ACTS (1798), which sought to crush all criticism of

the government.

The Democratic Republic

As president, Jefferson attempted to implement the Democratic- Republican

vision of America; he cut back the central government's activities,

reducing the size of the court system, letting excise taxes lapse, and

contracting the military forces. Paradoxically, in what was perhaps

Jefferson's greatest achievement as president, he vastly increased the

scope of U.S. power: the securing of the LOUISIANA PURCHASE (1803) from

France practically doubled American territory, placing the western boundary

of the United States along the base of the Rocky Mountains.

In 1811, under Jefferson's successor, James MADISON, the 20- year charter

of the Bank of the United States was allowed to lapse, further eroding the

Federalists' nationalist program. Renewed warfare between Britain and

France, during which American foreign trade was progressively throttled

down almost to nothing, led eventually to the WAR OF 1812. The British

insisted on the right freely to commandeer U.S. cargoes as contraband and

to impress American sailors into their navy. To many Americans the republic

seemed in grave peril.

With reluctance and against unanimous Federalist opposition, Congress made

the decision to go to war against Britain. Except for some initial naval

victories, the war went badly for the Americans. Western Indians, under the

gifted TECUMSEH, fought on the British side. In 1814, however, an invading

army from Canada was repelled. Then, just as a peace treaty was being

concluded in Ghent (Belgium), Andrew JACKSON crushed another invading

British army as it sought to take New Orleans. The war thus ended on a

triumphant note, and the republic was confirmed. The Federalists, who in

the HARTFORD CONVENTION (in Connecticut, 1814) had capped their opposition

to the war with demands for major changes in the Constitution, now were

regarded as disloyal, and their party dwindled down to a base in New

England and in the 1820s dissolved. Robbed of their enemy, Jeffersonian

Democratic-Republicans broke into factions, effectively disappearing as a

national party.


The volatile and expansive years from 1815 to 1850 were, in many ways, an

age of boundlessness when limits that had previously curbed human

aspirations seemed to disappear.

Economic and Cultural Ferment

After 1815 the American economy began to expand rapidly. The cotton boom in

the South spread settlement swiftly across the Gulf Plains: the Deep South

was born. Farmers also moved into the Lake Plains north of the Ohio River,

their migration greatly accelerating after the completion of the ERIE CANAL

in 1825. Practically all Indians east of the Mississippi were placed on

small reservations or forced to move to the Great Plains beyond the

Missouri River. Canals and railroads opened the interior to swift

expansion, of both settlement and trade. In the Midwest many new cities,

such as Chicago, appeared, as enormous empires of wheat and livestock farms

came into being. From 1815 to 1850 a new western state entered the Union,

on the average, every two and one-half years.

The westward movement of the FRONTIER was matched in the Northeast by rapid

economic development. National productivity surged during the 1820s; prices

spurted to a peak during the 1830s and dropped for a time during the 1840s;

both prices and productivity soared upward again during the 1850s, reaching

new heights. A business cycle had appeared, producing periods of boom and

bust, and the factory system became well developed. After the GOLD RUSH

that began in California in 1848-49, industrial development was further

stimulated during the 1850s by the arrival of $500 million in gold and

silver from the Sierra Nevada and other western regions. A willingness to

take risks formerly thought wildly imprudent became a national virtue. Land

values rose, and hundreds of new communities appeared in the western


Meanwhile, property tests for voting were disappearing, white manhood

suffrage became the rule, and most offices were made elective. A

communications revolution centering in the inexpensive newspaper and in a

national fascination with mass education (except in the South) sent

literacy rates soaring. The Second Great Awakening (1787-1825), a new

religious revival that originated in New England, spread an evangelical

excitement across the country. In its wake a ferment of social reform swept

the northern states. The slave system of the South spread westward as

rapidly as the free labor system of the North, and during the 1830s

ABOLITIONISTS mounted a crusade to hammer at the evils of slavery.

Expansion of the American Domain

The years 1815-50 brought further expansion of the national domain. In the

Anglo-American Convention of 1818, the 49th parallel was established as the

border between Canada and the United States from the Lake of the Woods to

the Rockies, and in the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819, Spain ceded Florida and

its claims in the Oregon Country to the United States. During the 1840s a

sense of MANIFEST DESTINY seized the American mind (although many

individuals, especially in New England, were more restrained in their

thinking). Continent-wide expansion seemed inevitable. Texas, which had

declared its independence from Mexico in 1835-36 (see TEXAS REVOLUTION),

was annexed in 1845. Then a dispute with Mexico concerning the Rio Grande

as the border of Texas led to the MEXICAN WAR (1846-48). While U.S. armies

invaded the heartland of Mexico to gain victory, other forces sliced off

the northern half of that country--the provinces of New Mexico and Alta

California. In the Treaty of GUADALUPE HIDALGO (1848), $15 million was paid

for the Mexican cession of those provinces, more than 3 million sq km

(roughly 1 million sq m).

In 1846, Britain and the United States settled the OREGON QUESTION,

concluding a treaty that divided the Oregon Country at the 49th parallel

and bringing the Pacific Northwest into the American nation. In addition,

by the GADSDEN PURCHASE of 1853 the United States acquired (for $10

million) the southern portions of the present states of New Mexico and

Arizona. By 1860 the Union comprised 33 states, packed solid through the

first rank beyond the Mississippi and reaching westward to include Texas,

as well as California and Oregon on the Pacific Coast. Fed by a high

birthrate and by the heavy immigration from Ireland and Germany that surged

dramatically during the 1840s, the nation's population was leaping upward:

from 9.6 million in 1820 to 23 million in 1850 and 31.5 million in 1860.

Domestic Politics: 1815-46

In a nationalist frame of mind at the end of the War of 1812, Congress

chartered the Second Bank of the United States in 1816, erected the first

protective tariff (see TARIFF ACTS), and supported internal improvements

(roads and bridges) to open the interior. President James MONROE presided

(1817-25) over the so-called Era of Good Feelings, followed by John Quincy

ADAMS (1825-29).

Chief Justice John MARSHALL led the Supreme Court in a crucial series of

decisions, beginning in 1819. He declared that within its powers the

federal government could not be interfered with by the states (MCCULLOCH V.

MARYLAND) and that regulation of interstate and international commerce was

solely a federal preserve (GIBBONS V. OGDEN and BROWN V. MARYLAND). In

1820, in the MISSOURI COMPROMISE, Congress took charge of the question of

slavery in the territories by declaring it illegal above 36 deg 30 min in

the huge region acquired by the Louisiana Purchase. Witnessing the Latin

American revolutions against Spanish rule, the American government in 1823

asserted its paramountcy in the Western Hemisphere by issuing the MONROE

DOCTRINE. In diplomatic but clear language it stated that the United States

would fight to exclude further European extensions of sovereignty into its


During the presidency of Andrew JACKSON (1829-37), a sharp bipolarization

occurred again in the nation's politics. Of Scots-Irish descent, Jackson

hated the English, and he was, in turn, as thoroughly disliked by New

Englanders, who thought him violent and barbaric. He made enemies in the

South, as well, when in 1832 South Carolina, asserting superior STATE

RIGHTS, attempted to declare null and void within its borders the tariff of

1828 (see NULLIFICATION). In his Nullification Proclamation (1832), Jackson

declared that the federal government was supreme according to the

Constitution. He skillfully outmaneuvered the South Carolinians, forcing

them to relent. In 1832 he vetoed the rechartering of the Second Bank of

the United States on the grounds that it caused the booms and busts that so

alarmed the country and that it served the wealthy while exploiting the

farmers and working people. To oppose him, the old Federalist coalition was

reborn in the form of the American WHIG PARTY. With a DEMOCRATIC PARTY

emerging behind Jackson and embodying the old Jeffersonian Democratic-

Republican coalition, two-party rivalries appeared in every state. By the

1840s modern mass political parties, organized down into every ward and

precinct, had appeared.

Led by Henry CLAY and Daniel WEBSTER, the Whigs called for protective

tariffs, a national bank, and internal improvements to stimulate the

economy. Moralists in politics, they also demanded active intervention by

state governments to maintain the sanctity of the Sabbath, put down

alcoholic beverages, and "Americanize" the immigrants in the public

schools. Yankees, who by now had migrated in great numbers into the

Midwest, leaned strongly toward the Whigs. Many southerners admired Yankee

ways and tended to vote for Whig candidates, too.

Democrats continued to condemn banks and tariffs as sources of corruption

and exploitation, and in Jefferson's tradition insisted on cultural laissez-

faire, the freedom of people to live as they desired. The minority out-

groups--Irish Catholics and Germans--concurred, voting strongly Democratic

in order to ward off the imposition of Yankee morals. During the presidency

of Martin VAN BUREN (1837-41), Democrats succeeded in entirely separating

banking and government in the INDEPENDENT TREASURY SYSTEM, by which the

government stored and controlled its own funds. A brief Whig interlude

under William Henry HARRISON (1841) and John TYLER (1841-45) was followed

by the presidency of the Democrat James K. POLK (1845-49), who in the

Walker Tariff (1846) brought the United States closer to a free-trade


Growing Sectional Conflicts

President Polk's war with Mexico ripped open the slavery question again.

Was it to be allowed in the new territories? The WILMOT PROVISO (1846),

which would have excluded slavery, became a rallying point for both sides,

being voted on again and again in Congress and successfully held off by

southerners. Abolitionism, led by William Lloyd GARRISON and others and now

strong in many northern circles, called for the immediate emancipation of

slaves with no compensation to slaveowners. Most northern whites disliked

blacks and did not support abolition; they did want to disallow slavery in

the territories so they could be preserved for white settlement based on

northern ideals: free labor, dignity of work, and economic progress.

In 1848 northerners impatient with both of the existing parties formed the

FREE-SOIL PARTY. By polling 300,000 votes for their candidate, Martin Van

Buren, they denied victory to the Democrats and put the Whig Zachary TAYLOR

in the White House (1849-50; on his death Millard FILLMORE became

president, 1850- 53). The COMPROMISE OF 1850 seemed to settle the slavery

expansion issue by the principle of POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY, allowing the

people who lived in the Mexican cession to decide for themselves. A strong

FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW was also passed in 1850, giving new powers to

slaveowners to reach into northern states to recapture escaped slaves.


As the 1850s began, it seemed for a time that the issue of slavery and

other sectional differences between North and South might eventually be

reconciled. But with the westward thrust of the American nation, all

attempts at compromise were thwarted, and diverging economic, political,

and philosophical interests became more apparent. The resulting civil war

transformed the American nation.

Political Fragmentation

In 1854 the KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT threw open the huge unorganized lands of

the Louisiana Purchase to popular sovereignty, repealing the Missouri

Compromise line of 1820. The North exploded in rage. Thousands defected

from the Whig party to establish a new and much more antisouthern body (and

one wholly limited to the northern states), the REPUBLICAN PARTY. The

Republicans were aided by an enormous anti-Catholic outburst under way at

the same time, aimed at the large wave of Irish Catholic immigration. Anti-

Catholicism was already draining away Whigs to a new organization, the

American party, soon known as the KNOW-NOTHING PARTY. When in 1856 it

proved unable to hold together its members, north and south, because of

disagreements over slavery, the anti-Catholics joined the Republicans.

In Kansas civil war broke out between pro-slavery and anti- slavery

advocates, as settlers attempted to formalize their position on the

institution prior to the territory's admission as a state. The Democratic

presidents Franklin PIERCE (1853-57) and James BUCHANAN (1857-61) appeared

to favor the pro-slavery group in Kansas despite its use of fraud and

violence. In 1857 the Supreme Court, southern dominated, intensified

northern alarm in its decision in the case of DRED SCOTT V. SANDFORD. The

Court ruled that Congress had no authority to exclude slavery from the

territories and thus, that the Missouri Compromise line had been

unconstitutional all along. Thousands of northerners now became convinced

that a "slave conspiracy" had infiltrated the national government and that

it intended to make slavery a nationwide institution.

In 1860 the political system became completely fragmented. The Democrats

split into northern and southern wings, presenting two different candidates

for the presidency; the small CONSTITUTIONAL UNION PARTY attempted to rally

the former Whigs behind a third. The Republicans, however, were able to

secure the election of Abraham LINCOLN to the White House.

Southerners had viewed the rise of the Yankee-dominated Republican party

with great alarm. They were convinced that the party was secretly

controlled by abolitionists (although most northerners detested the

abolitionists) and that Yankees believed in using government to enforce

their moralistic crusades. In 1859, John BROWN led a raid on the federal

arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Va., hoping to incite a slave insurrection. His

action--and his subsequent deification by some northerners- -helped

persuade southerners that emancipation of the slaves, if northerners

obtained control of the country, was sooner or later inevitable.


Southern leaders had threatened to leave the Union if Lincoln won the

election of 1860. Many South Carolinians, in particular, were convinced

that Republican-sponsored emancipation would lead to bloody massacres as

blacks sought vengeance against whites. In order to prevent this horror

South Carolina seceded in December 1860, soon after the victory of Lincoln,

an undeniably sectional candidate; it was optimistic about the eventual

outcome of its action. Before Lincoln's inauguration (March 1861) six more

states followed (Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and

Texas). In February their representatives gathered in Montgomery, Ala., to

form the CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. On Apr. 12, 1861, when President

Lincoln moved to reprovision the federal troops at FORT SUMTER, in

Charleston Harbor, Confederate shore batteries launched a 34-hour battering

of the installation, forcing its surrender. The U.S. CIVIL WAR had begun.

The War between the States

Lincoln moved swiftly. On April 15 he called the remaining states to

provide 75,000 troops to put down the Confederacy; Virginia, Arkansas,

North Carolina, and Tennessee reluctantly seceded. The capital of the

Confederacy moved to Richmond. On July 21, 1861, the first major battle

between Union and Confederate forces occurred--at Bull Run (see BULL RUN,

BATTLES OF), south of Washington, D.C.--resulting in a dramatic southern

victory. Thereafter, both sides settled down to a long conflict.

It became an immense struggle. With a total U.S. population of fewer than

32 million, the number of dead reached 620,000 (360,000 northerners out of

an army of about 1.5 million and 260,000 southerners in an army of about 1

million). In contrast, during World War II, when the American population

was 135 million and its military forces fought for 4 years throughout the

world, the total dead reached 400,000. In 1861 about 22 million people

lived in the North, as against some 9 million people in the South, of whom

3.5 million were black. Although the North possessed a vigorous system of

industry and a well-developed railroad network, Europeans were highly

skeptical of a northern victory because the Confederacy was practically as

large as Western Europe and fought with a determined passion for its

independence. The North had to invade and defeat the opposition in order to

win; the South had only to defend its borders. The conflict was not so

uneven as it seemed.

Lincoln launched an all-out effort: he declared a naval blockade of the

Confederacy; worked hard to maintain the loyalty of the slaveholding border

states (Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri); invaded Tennessee to

gain a base of power in the heart of the Confederacy; cut the South in two

by taking the Mississippi River; and looked for a general who could win.

This last task took him 2 years. Gen. George B. MCCLELLAN proved

disappointingly conservative, and his successors were bumblers. After Gen.

Ulysses S. GRANT won major victories in the western theater, Lincoln

brought him to Washington in 1864 to face the brilliant Confederate

commander, Robert E. LEE.

By mid-1863 the South was in desperate straits, lacking both food and

supplies. A great northward thrust was turned back at Gettysburg, Pa., in

July of that year (see GETTYSBURG, BATTLE OF). Thereafter, Grant mounted a

relentless campaign that hammered down toward Richmond, at hideous cost in

casualties. Union Gen. William T. SHERMAN, meanwhile, was slashing through

Georgia to the sea, leaving a wide swath of total destruction, and then

turning northward through the Carolinas. By April 1865, Grant had finally

rounded Lee's flank, and on the 9th of that month, Lee surrendered at

APPOMATTOX COURT HOUSE. Confederate president Jefferson DAVIS intended to

fight on, but it was hopeless. The Civil War was over.

A Nation Transformed: The North

The war had transformed both North and South. On Jan. 1, 1863, Lincoln had

issued his EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, declaring slavery dead wherever

rebellion existed (in the border states, it was terminated by later local

action). In addition, the enormous war effort taught the North lessons in

modern organization and the use of large corporations. In Washington the

Republican majority enacted a classically Hamiltonian program: high

protective tariffs, lavish aid to capitalists to build railroads and

exploit natural resources, free homestead grants for settlers, and banking

and currency legislation that created one national system of paper money.

The MORRILL ACT of 1862 provided grants of land for the establishment of

land- grant universities in each state to train the agriculturalists,

engineers, and other professionals needed to run an industrialized economy.

The two-party system survived in the North despite the war. Democrats never

sank below 40 percent of the vote because many northerners opposed the

conflict, or at least Republican policies. In the DRAFT RIOTS of 1863,

Irish Catholics and other New Yorkers fiercely protested the new

conscription law, which seemed a special hardship to poor people. The

rioters, as well as many other northerners, were hostile toward abolition;

they feared that Republican policies would send hordes of freed slaves

northward to compete for jobs. Democrats also opposed the powerful

centralizing tendencies of the programs pushed by the Republicans, as well

as their aid to capitalists.


A week after Appomattox, Lincoln was assassinated. Now Andrew JOHNSON

assumed office and moved quickly to establish a plan for RECONSTRUCTION. He

asked southern whites only to repudiate debts owed by the Confederacy,

declare secession null and void, and ratify the 13TH AMENDMENT (which

declared slavery illegal). When Congress convened in December 1865, newly

elected southerners were already on the scene waiting to be admitted to

their seats. Many of them had been elected on the basis of BLACK CODES,

established in the southern states in 1865-66 to restore a form of quasi-

slavery. To the shocked and angered North, it seemed that the sufferings

endured in the war had been in vain: politics as before the war--only now

with a powerful southern Democratic bloc in Congress--would resume.

The Republican majority in Congress refused to admit southern legislators

to their seats until a congressional committee reexamined the entire

question of Reconstruction. Soon, Radical Republicans (those who wished to

use the victory as an opportunity to remake the South in the Yankee image)

were in open conflict with Johnson. He attempted to terminate the

FREEDMEN'S BUREAU (an agency established in 1865 to aid refugees) and to

veto legislation aimed at protecting the civil rights of former slaves (see

CIVIL RIGHTS ACTS). In the congressional election of 1866 a huge majority

of Republicans was elected, and the Radicals gained a precarious

ascendancy. Senator Charles SUMNER of Massachusetts and Representative

Thaddeus STEVENS (New England-born) of Pennsylvania were among the leaders

of the Radical cause.

The 14TH AMENDMENT (enacted in 1866; ratified in 1868) made all persons

born or naturalized in the country U.S. citizens and forbade any state to

interfere with their fundamental civil rights. In March 1867 all state

governments in the South were terminated and military occupation

established. Federal commanders were charged with reconstructing southern

governments through constitutional conventions, to which delegates were to

be elected by universal male suffrage. After a new state government was in

operation and had ratified the 14th Amendment, its representatives would be

admitted to Congress. In February 1868 an impeachment effort sought

unsuccessfully to remove President Johnson from office.

The Republican majority in Congress made no significant effort to create

social equality for blacks, but only to give them the vote and to ensure

them equal protection under the law (trial by jury, freedom of movement,

the right to hold office and any employment, and the like). This political

equality would give blacks an equal start, Republicans insisted, and they

would then carry the burden of proving themselves equal in other ways. Yet

Republicans well knew that antiblack attitudes persisted in the North as

well as in the South. Until ratification (1870) of the 15TH AMENDMENT,

which made it illegal to deny the vote on the grounds of race, most

northern states refused blacks the vote.

A Nation Transformed: The South

Like the North, the South was transformed by the Civil War and its

aftermath. Southerners had learned lessons in the effectiveness of a strong

central government and realized the impossibility of continuing the old

ways of the antebellum period. Former Whigs in the South, often called

Conservatives, pushed eagerly to build industry and commerce in the Yankee

style. Meanwhile, reconstructed southern state governments enacted many

reforms, establishing free public schools for all, popular election of all

officials, more equitable taxes, and more humane penal laws.

Republican Ulysses S. Grant was elected president in 1868 with electoral

votes gained in occupied southern states. Democrats alleged that Radical

Reconstruction was not genuinely concerned with aiding black people, but

with using southern black votes to keep the Republicans in power in

Congress and to retain their protective tariffs and other aids to

industrialists. When evidence of corruption surfaced during the Grant

administration, Democrats declared that it proved that the outcome of

Republican friendliness to capitalists was graft and plunder.

By 1870 the antisouthern mood that had supported Radical Reconstruction had

faded, as had the surge of concern for southern blacks. New domestic

problems were pushing to the fore. A resurgence of white voting in the

South, together with the use of violence to intimidate blacks and their

white sympathizers, brought southern states back into Democratic hands.

Northerners, awakened to economic questions by the great depression that

began in 1873 and lasted for 5 years, tacitly agreed to return the race

issue to the control of southern whites.

After the disputed election of 1876, amid evidence of electoral corruption,

the Republican presidential candidate promised to withdraw the last federal

occupation troops from the South. The election was decided by a

congressional electoral commission, and Rutherford B. HAYES became

president. As promised, he withdrew (1877) the troops; Reconstruction was



The era known as the GILDED AGE (1870s to 1890s) was a time of vigorous,

exploitative individualism. Despite widespread suffering by industrial

workers, southern sharecroppers, displaced American Indians, and other

groups, a mood of optimism possessed the United States. The theories of the

English biologist Charles Darwin--expounded in The Origin of Species (1859)-

-concerning the natural selection of organisms best suited to survive in

their environment began to influence American opinion. Some intellectuals

in the United States applied the idea of the survival of the fittest to

human societies (SOCIAL DARWINISM) and arrived at the belief that

government aid to the unfortunate was wrong.

Industrialization and Large-Scale Exploitation of NaturalResources

During the Gilded Age ambitious and imaginative capitalists ranged the

continent looking for new opportunities. Business lurched erratically from

upswings to slumps, while the country's industrial base grew rapidly.

Factories and mines labored heavily through these years to provide the raw

materials and finished products needed for expansion of the railroad

system. In 1865 (as construction of the first TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD was

underway; completed 1869) approximately 56,000 km (35,000 mi) of track

stretched across the United States; by 1910 the total reached about 386,000

km (240,000 mi) of interconnected uniform-gauge track. By 1890 the United

States contained one-third of the world's railroad trackage.

After new gold and silver discoveries in the late 1850s, until about 1875,

individual prospectors explored the western country and desert basins in

search of mineral riches. Then mining corporations took over, using hired

laborers and eastern- trained engineers. Indians were either brutally

exterminated or placed on small reservations. Warfare with the Great Plains

Indians broke out in 1864; these INDIAN WARS did not entirely subside until

after the slaughtering of the buffalo herds, the basis of Indian life,

which had occurred by the mid-1880s. Through the DAWES ACT of 1887, which

forced most Indians to choose 160-acre (65-ha) allotments within their

reservations, reformers hoped to break down tribal bonds and induce Indians

to take up sedentary agriculture. Unallocated reservation lands were

declared surplus and sold to whites.

Cattle ranching was the first large-scale enterprise to invade the Great

Plains beginning in the late 1860s. By the 1880s, however, the open range

began to give way to fenced pastureland and to agriculture, made possible

by the newly invented barbed- wire fence and by "dry farming," a technique

of preserving soil moisture by frequent plowing. Millions of farmers moved

into the high plains west of the 100th meridian. So huge was their grain

output that slumping world prices beginning in the mid- 1880s put them into

severe financial straits. Meanwhile, the vast continental sweep between

Kansas and California became filled with new states.

By the early 1900s the nation's economy, tied together by the railroads

into a single market, was no longer composed primarily of thousands of

small producers who sold to local markets. Rather, it was dominated by a

small number of large firms that sold nationwide and to the world at large.

With great size, however, came large and complex problems. In 1887,

Congress created the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION to curb cutthroat

competition among the railroads and to ensure that railroad rates were

"reasonable and just." In 1890, on the other hand, Congress attempted to

restore competition through passage of the SHERMAN ANTI-TRUST ACT, which

declared illegal trusts and other combinations that restrained trade. The

U.S. Supreme Court favored laissez-faire and consistently blocked both

federal and state efforts to regulate private business. The so-called

robber barons and their immense fortunes were practically unscathed as they

exploited the nation's natural resources and dominated its economic life.

New Social Groupings: Immigrants, Urbanites, and UnionMembers

In 1890 the American people numbered 63 million, double the 1860

population. During these years the nation's cities underwent tremendous

growth. Many new urbanites came from the American countryside, but many

others came from abroad. From 1860 to 1890 more than 10 million immigrants

arrived in the United States; from 1890 to 1920, 15 million more arrived

(see IMMIGRATION). Most were concentrated in northern cities: by 1910, 75

percent of immigrants lived in urban areas, while less than 50 percent of

native-born Americans did so. In the 1880s the so-called new immigration

began: in addition to the Germans, Scandinavians, Irish, and others of the

older immigrant groups, there came such peoples as Italians, Poles,

Hungarians, Bohemians, Greeks, and Jews (from central and eastern Europe,

especially Russia). Roman Catholics grew in number from 1.6 million in 1850

to 12 million in 1900, producing a renewed outburst of bitter anti-Catholic

nativism in the 1880s. The large cities, with their saloons, theaters,

dance halls, and immigrant slums, were feared by many native American

Protestants, who lived primarily in small cities and the rural countryside.

The outbreak of labor protests from the 1870s on, often characterized by

immigrant workers opposing native-born employers, intensified the

hostility. In 1878 the KNIGHTS OF LABOR formed, opening its ranks to all

working people, skilled or unskilled. The Knights called for sweeping

social and economic reforms, and their numbers rose to 700,000 in 1886.

Then, as the organization broke apart because of internal stresses, the

American Federation of Labor, under Samuel GOMPERS, formed to take its

place. Concentrating on skilled craftworkers and tight organization, it


Domestic Politics

Gilded Age politics became a contest between evenly balanced Republicans

and Democrats. Winning elections by small margins, they alternated in their

control of Congress and the White House. Five men served as Republican

presidents: Hayes; James A. GARFIELD (1881); Chester A. ARTHUR (1881-85),

who succeeded Garfield on his assassination; Benjamin HARRISON (1889-93);

and William MCKINLEY (1897-1901). Their party regarded industrial growth

and capitalist leadership with approval, believing that they led to an ever-

widening opening of opportunity for all.

Grover CLEVELAND rose from obscurity to become Democratic governor of New

York in the early 1880s and then U.S. president (1885-89; 1893-97; although

he won a popular-vote plurality in the election of 1888, he lost to

Harrison in the electoral college). Reared a Jacksonian Democrat, he

believed that society is always in danger of exploitation by the wealthy

and powerful. A vigorous president, he labored to clean up government by

making civil service effective; took back huge land grants given out

fraudulently in the West; and battled to lower the protective tariff.

In the Great Plains and the South, grain and cotton farmers, suffering from

falling crop prices, demanded currency inflation to raise prices. By 1892 a

POPULIST PARTY had appeared, to call for free coinage of silver to achieve

this goal. Cleveland resisted, stating that such a monetary policy would

destroy confidence, prolong the great depression that began in 1893, and

injure city consumers. In 1896 the Democrats, taken over by southern and

western inflationists, ran William Jennings BRYAN on a FREE SILVER

platform. Ethnic voters surged into the Republican ranks--for the

depression was a disastrous one and the Republican party had always urged

active government intervention to stimulate the economy. In addition, as

city dwellers they feared inflation. William McKinley's election began a

long period of one-party (Republican) domination in the northern states and

in Washington.


During the period known as the Progressive Era (1890s to about 1920) the

U.S. government became increasingly activist in both domestic and foreign

policy. Progressive, that is, reform- minded, political leaders sought to

extend their vision of a just and rational order to all areas of society

and some, indeed, to all reaches of the globe.

America Looks Outward

During the 1890s, U.S. foreign policy became aggressively activist. As

American industrial productivity grew, many reformers urged the need for

foreign markets. Others held that the United States had a mission to carry

Anglo-Saxon culture to all of humankind, to spread law and order and

American civilization. In 1895 the United States intervened bluntly in the

VENEZUELA BOUNDARY DISPUTE between Venezuela and imperial Britain, warning

that, under the Monroe Doctrine, American force might be used if Venezuela

were not treated equitably. A Cuban revolution against Spain, begun in

1895, finally led to the SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR (1898), undertaken to free

Cuba. From that war the United States emerged with a protectorate over Cuba

and an island empire consisting of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.

The United States also annexed the Hawaiian Islands in 1898, completing a

bridge to the markets of the Far East. In 1900 the American government

announced the OPEN DOOR POLICY, pledging to support continued Chinese

independence as well as equal access for all nations to China's markets.

William McKinley's assassination brought Theodore ROOSEVELT to the

presidency in 1901. A proud patriot, he sought to make the United States a

great power in the world. In 1903 he aided Panama in becoming independent

of Colombia, then secured from Panama the right for the United States to

build and control a canal through the isthmus. In 1904, in the Roosevelt

Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, he asserted the right of the United

States to intervene in the internal affairs of Western Hemisphere nations

to prevent "chronic wrongdoing." The following year his good offices helped

end the Russo-Japanese War. Having much strengthened the navy, Roosevelt

sent (1907) the Great White Fleet on a spectacular round-the-world cruise

to display American power.

Progressivism at Home

Meanwhile, the Progressive Era was also underway in domestic politics. City

governments were transformed, becoming relatively honest and efficient;

social workers labored to improve slum housing, health, and education; and

in many states reform movements democratized, purified, and humanized

government. Under Roosevelt the national government strengthened or created

regulatory agencies that exerted increasing influence over business

enterprise: the Hepburn Act (1906) reinforced the Interstate Commerce

Commission; the Forest Service, under Gifford PINCHOT from 1898 to 1910,

guided lumbering companies in the conservation of--and more rational and

efficient exploitation of--woodland resources; the Pure Food and Drug Act

(1906; see PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAWS) attempted to protect consumers from

fraudulent labeling and adulteration of products. Beginning in 1902,

Roosevelt also used the Justice Department and lawsuits (or the threat of

them) to mount a revived assault on monopoly under the Sherman Anti-Trust

Law. William Howard TAFT, his successor as president (1909-13), drew back

in his policies, continuing only the antitrust campaign. He approved

passage of the 16TH AMENDMENT (the income tax amendment, 1913), however; in

time it would transform the federal government by giving it access to

enormous revenues.

Republicans were split in the election of 1912. The regular nomination went

to Taft, and a short-lived PROGRESSIVE PARTY was formed to run Theodore

Roosevelt. Democrat Woodrow WILSON (1913-21) was therefore able to win the

presidency. Attacking corporate power, he won a drastic lowering of the

tariff (1913) and establishment of a Tariff Commission (1916); creation of

the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (1913) to supervise banking and currency; a

broadened antimonopoly program under the CLAYTON ANTI-TRUST ACT (1914);

control over the hours of labor on the railroads (Adamson Act, 1916); and

creation of a body to ensure fair and open competition in business (Fair

Trade Commission, 1914).

During the Progressive Era, southern governments imposed a wide range of

JIM CROW LAWS on black people, using the rationale that such legalization

of segregation resulted in a more orderly, systematic electoral system and

society. Many of the steps that had been taken toward racial equality

during the Reconstruction period were thus reversed. The federal government

upheld the principle of racial segregation in the U.S. Supreme Court case

PLESSY V. FERGUSON (1896), as long as blacks were provided with "separate

but equal" facilities. In the face of the rigidly segregated society that

confronted them, blacks themselves were divided concerning the appropriate

course of action. Since 1895, Booker T. WASHINGTON had urged that blacks

should not actively agitate for equality, but should acquire craft skills,

work industriously, and convince whites of their abilities. W. E. B. DU

BOIS insisted instead (in The Souls of Black Folk, 1903) that black people

ceaselessly protest Jim Crow laws, demand education in the highest

professions as well as in crafts, and work for complete social integration.


(NAACP) was founded to advance these ideals.

Intervention and World War

President Taft continued to stress the economic aspects of Roosevelt's

interventionist spirit. Under Taft's foreign policy (called dollar

diplomacy) U.S. firms were encouraged to increase investments in countries

bordering the Caribbean in the hope that the American economic presence

would ensure political stability there. President Wilson went a step

further, seeking not simply to maintain order, but to advance democracy and

self-rule. In 1915 he sent troops into Haiti to put an end to the chaos of

revolution--and to protect U.S. investments there--and in 1916 he did the

same in the Dominican Republic; the two countries were made virtual

protectorates of the United States. With Nicaragua he achieved the same end

by diplomacy. In hope of tumbling the Mexican dictator Victoriano Huerta,

Wilson at first denied him diplomatic recognition, then in April 1914 sent

troops to occupy the Mexican port city of Veracruz and keep from Huerta its

import revenues. The Mexicans were deeply offended, and in November 1914,

Wilson withdrew American forces. The bloody civil war that racked Mexico

until 1920 sent the first large migration of Mexicans, perhaps a million

people, into the United States (see CHICANO).

After the outbreak of World War I in August 1914, Wilson sought vainly to

bring peace. In early 1917, however, Germany's unrestricted use of

submarine attacks against neutral as well as Allied shipping inflamed

American opinion for war (see LUSITANIA). Wilson decided that if the United

States was to have any hope of influencing world affairs, it was imperative

that it enter the war and fight to protect democracy against what he called

German autocracy.

America's entry into the war (April 1917) was the climax of the Progressive

Era: Wilson's aim was the extension of democracy and the creation of a just

world order. In January 1918 he issued his FOURTEEN POINTS as a proposed

basis for peace: freedom of the seas and removal of all barriers to trade;

an end to secret diplomacy; general disarmament; self-government for the

submerged nationalities in the German and Austro- Hungarian empires; and a

league of nations. The addition of more than a million American troops to

the Allied armies turned the balance against the Germans in 1918, and an

armistice on November 11 ended the war. At the PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE,

however, Wilson failed in much of his program, for the other Allies were

not interested in a "peace without victory." The British would not agree to

freedom of the seas; tariffs did not tumble; self-determination was often

violated; key negotiations were kept secret; but in the end Wilson obtained

his greatest objective, establishment of the League of Nations to provide

collective security against future aggression. Many at home, however,

preferred to return to America's traditional isolation from world affairs.

When Wilson tried imperiously to force the Senate to accept the entire

treaty, he failed. The United States never became a member of the League of



After its participation in the conflagration then known as the Great War,

the American nation was ready to turn inward and concentrate on domestic

affairs (a "return to normalcy," as 1920 presidential candidate Warren

Harding called it). Private concerns preoccupied most Americans during the

1920s until the Great Depression of the next decade, when increasing

numbers turned, in their collective misfortune, to government for solutions

to economic problems that challenged the very basis of U.S. capitalistic


The 1920s: Decade of Optimism

By the 1920s innovative forces thrusting into American life were creating a

new way of living. The automobile and the hard- surfaced road produced

mobility and a blurring of the traditional rural-urban split. The radio and

motion pictures inaugurated a national culture, one built on new, urban

values. The 19TH AMENDMENT (1920) gave women the vote in national politics

and symbolized their persistence in efforts to break out of old patterns of

domesticity. The war had accelerated their entrance into business,

industry, and the professions and their adoption of practices, such as

drinking and smoking, traditionally considered masculine. So, too, young

people turned to new leaders and values and sought unorthodox dress,

recreations, and morals.

Traditional WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) America fought the new

ways. The adoption of PROHIBITION in 1919 (with ratification of the 18TH

AMENDMENT) had been a victory of Yankee moral values over those of

immigrants, but now many of the great cities practically ignored the

measure. The Russian Revolution of 1917 sent a Red Scare shivering through

the country in 1919-20; suspicion centered on labor unions as alleged

instruments of Moscow. The KU KLUX KLAN, stronger in the northern

Republican countryside than in the South, attacked the so-called New Negro,

who returned from the fighting in France with a new sense of personal

dignity (the HARLEM RENAISSANCE expressed this spirit through the arts),

and the millions of Roman Catholics and Jews who had been flooding into the

country since the 1890s. The Immigration Law of 1924 established a quota

system that discriminated against all groups except northern and western

Europeans. In 1925 the spectacular SCOPES TRIAL in Dayton, Tenn., convicted

a high school science teacher of presenting Darwinian theories of

evolution, which fundamentalist Protestants bitterly opposed.

New ideas, however, continued to inundate the country, and optimism

remained high. The U.S. population delighted in the "miracles" that new

inventions had brought them--electric lights, airplanes, new communication

systems. The solo flight to Paris of Charles LINDBERGH in 1927 seemed to

capture the spirit of the age. The business community was praised for its

values and productivity. Henry Ford (see FORD family) and his system of

cheap mass production of automobiles for people of modest incomes was

regarded as symbolic of the new era.

Three Republican presidents occupied the White House during the 1920s.

Warren HARDING, a conservative, was swept into office by a landslide

victory in 1920. He proved an inept president, and his administration was

racked by scandals, including that of TEAPOT DOME. Calvin COOLIDGE, who

succeeded to the office on Harding's death (1923), worshiped business as

much as he detested government. Herbert HOOVER, an engineer, brought to the

presidency (1929-33) a deep faith in the essential soundness of capitalism,

which to him represented the fullest expression of individualism. In 1920

the U.S. census showed, for the first time, that a majority of Americans

lived in cities of 2,500 people or more.

The 1930s: Decade of Depression

The stock market crash of October 1929 initiated a long economic decline

that accelerated into a world catastrophe, the DEPRESSION OF THE 1930s. By

1933, 14 million Americans were unemployed, industrial production was down

to one-third of its 1929 level, and national income had dropped by more

than half. In the presence of deep national despair, Democratic challenger

Franklin D. ROOSEVELT easily defeated Hoover in the 1932 presidential

election. After his inauguration, the NEW DEAL exploded in a whirlwind of


A new era commenced in American history, one in which a social democratic

order similar to that of Western European countries appeared. The federal

government under Roosevelt (and the presidency itself) experienced a vast

expansion in its authority, especially over the economy. Roosevelt had a

strong sense of community; he distrusted unchecked individualism and

sympathized with suffering people. He nourished, however, no brooding

rancor against the U.S. system. He sought to save capitalism, not supplant


Recovery was Roosevelt's first task. In the First New Deal (1933-35) he

attempted to muster a spirit of emergency and rally all interests behind a

common effort in which something was provided for everyone. Excessive

competition and production were blamed for the collapse. Therefore,

business proprietors and farmers were allowed to cooperate in establishing

prices that would provide them with a profitable return and induce an

upward turn (under the NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION and the

AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ADMINISTRATION). By 1935, however, 10 million were

still unemployed, the economy seemed lodged at a new plateau, and the U.S.

Supreme Court was ruling such agencies unconstitutional.

The Second New Deal (1935-38) was more antibusiness and proconsumer.

Roosevelt turned to vastly increased relief spending (under the WORKS

PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION) to pump up consumer buying power. In 1933 he had

decided to take the nation off the gold standard, except in international

trade. Setting the price at which the government would buy gold at $35 an

ounce, he induced so massive a flow of gold into the country that its basic

stock of precious metal increased by one-third by 1940 (expanding by much

more the currency available in the economy). This monetary policy and the

spending to aid the unemployed succeeded in moving the economy toward

recovery before 1940, when the impact of war-induced buying from Europe

accelerated such movement.

The impact of the New Deal was perhaps strongest and most lasting in its

basic reform measures, which profoundly altered the American system. Farm

prices were supported and farm plantings centrally planned; the money

supply became a federal, not private, responsibility under a strengthened

Federal Reserve Board; and stock exchanges were put under regulation of the


CORPORATION insured bank deposits, and banking practices were closely

supervised under the Banking Act of 1933; the NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT

made relations between employers and employees a matter of public concern

and control; and under the direction of agencies such as the TENNESSEE

VALLEY AUTHORITY government facilities supplied electrical power to entire

regions, providing a standard for private utilities. Private utility

monopolies were broken apart and placed under public regulation; antitrust

efforts were reenergized; and economic recessions, then and afterward, were

monitored by the federal government, which was ready to increase public

spending to provide employment and ward off the onset of another


For the majority of the population, New Deal legislation defined minimum

standards of living: the Fair Labor Standards Act set MINIMUM WAGE and

maximum hour limitations and included a prohibition on child labor in

interstate commerce; the Social Security Act (see SOCIAL SECURITY) made

provisions for old-age and disability pensions, unemployment insurance,

monthly payments to mothers living alone with dependent children, and

direct assistance to the blind and crippled.

In addition, the New Deal helped make it possible for organized unions to

gain higher wages; in 1938 the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

was formed; members were organized by industry rather than by craft. The

New Deal also provided a sense of confidence that in a time of disaster the

federal government would take positive action.

Meanwhile, totalitarian movements abroad were inducing world crisis.

Congress, mirroring public opinion, had grown disenchanted with the U.S.

entry into World War I. This spirit of isolationism led to the passage

(1935-37) of a series of neutrality acts. They required an arms embargo

that would deny the sale of munitions to belligerents during a time of

international war and prohibited loans to belligerents and the travel of

Americans on ships owned by belligerents. Congress thus hoped to prevent

involvements like those of 1914-17.


The spirit of isolationism eroded steadily as Americans watched the

aggressive moves of Adolf Hitler and his allies. President Roosevelt and

the American people finally concluded that the United States could not

survive as a nation, nor could Western civilization endure, if Hitler and

fascism gained dominance over Europe. During the world war that followed,

the American nation rose to the status of a major world power, a position

that was not abandoned but confirmed in the cold-war years of the late

1940s and the 1950s.

Total War: 1941-45

In September 1940, Congress established the first peacetime draft in

American history, and 6 months later it authorized Roosevelt to transfer

munitions to Great Britain, now standing practically alone against Hitler,

by a procedure called LEND- LEASE. On Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese reacted to

stiffening American diplomacy against its expansion into Southeast Asia by

attacking the U.S. fleet at PEARL HARBOR in the Hawaiian Islands. This

thrust was aimed at immobilizing American power long enough to allow the

establishment of a wide imperial Japanese perimeter including all of the

western Pacific and China, henceforth to be defended against all comers.

Japan, however, in one stroke had succeeded in scuttling American

isolationist sentiment, forcing the United States into World War II, and

unifying the American people as never before in total war.

The first American military decision was to concentrate on defeating Hitler

while fighting a holding action in the Pacific. The next was to form an

alliance with Great Britain so close that even military commands were

jointly staffed. The year 1942 was devoted to halting, after many defeats,

the outward spread of Japanese power and to keeping Hitler's forces from

overwhelming America's British and Soviet allies. Large shipments of

munitions went to both allies. In November an American force invaded North

Africa; it joined the British in defeating the German armies in that region

by May 1943.

In 2 months the Allies were fighting the Germans in Sicily and Italy; at

the same time U.S. forces in the Pacific were pushing in toward the

Japanese home islands by means of an island- hopping offensive. On the long

Russian front, German armies were being defeated and pushed back toward

their borders. In June 1944 a huge Allied force landed on the French coast,

an invasion preceded by 2 years of intense day-and-night bombing of Germany

by British and American aircraft. By August 1944, Paris was recaptured.

Hitler's empire was crumbling; clouds of bombers were raining destruction

on German cities; and on Apr. 30, 1945, with the Soviet troops just a few

miles from Berlin, Hitler committed suicide. Peace in Europe followed


The Pacific war continued, the Japanese home islands being rendered

practically defenseless by July 1945. American aerial attacks burned out

city after city. In April, Harry S. TRUMAN had succeeded to the presidency

on Roosevelt's death. Now, advised that the alternative would be an

invasion in which multitudes would perish, including many thousands of

young Americans, he authorized use of the recently tested atomic bomb. On

Aug. 6, the city of Hiroshima was obliterated; on Aug. 9, the same fate

came to Nagasaki. Within a week, a cease-fire (which later research

suggests was reachable without atomic attack) was achieved.

The political shape of the postwar world was set at the YALTA CONFERENCE

(February 1945) between Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill.

Soviet occupation of Eastern European countries overrun by the Red Army was

accepted, in return for a pledge to allow democratic governments to rise

within them. Soviet and Allied occupation zones in Germany were

established, with Berlin, deep in the Soviet zone, to be jointly

administered. In return for Soviet assistance in the invasion of Japan

(which was eventually not needed), it was agreed that certain possessions

in the Far East and rights in Manchuria, lost to the Japanese long before,

would be restored to the USSR. Soon it was clear that the kind of

democratic government envisioned by the Americans was not going to be

allowed in the East European countries under Soviet control. Nor, as the

Soviets pointed out, was the United States ready to admit the Soviets to

any role in the occupation and government of Japan, whose internal

constitution and economy were rearranged to fit American desires under Gen.


Cold-War Years

The breach widened steadily. Charges and countercharges were directed back

and forth, the Soviets and Americans interpreting each other's actions in

the worst possible light. Americans became convinced that the Soviets were

thrusting out in every direction, seeking to communize not only the Soviet-

occupied countries, but also Turkey, Greece, and Western Europe. In

February 1946, Stalin declared in Moscow that there could never be a

lasting peace with capitalism. Shortly thereafter, Churchill warned of the

"iron curtain" that had descended across the middle of Europe. The COLD WAR

had begun.

In March 1947, Truman asked Congress for funds to shore up Turkey and

Greece, both under Soviet pressure, and announced the Truman Doctrine: that

"it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are

resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside

pressures." Then the MARSHALL PLAN (named for George C. MARSHALL, U.S.

chief of staff during the war and at this time secretary of state),

approved by Congress in April 1948, sent $12 billion to the devastated

countries of Europe to help them rebuild and fend off the despair on which

communism was believed to feed.

True to its Democratic tradition, the Truman administration stressed

multilateral diplomacy; that is, the building of an international order

based on joint decision making. Nationalism, it was believed, must be

tamed. The United Nations received strong American support. Meanwhile, the

United States continued the drive toward a lowering of world tariffs (begun

in the 1930s). During the war, all recipients of Lend-Lease had been

required to commit themselves to lowered tariffs. These commitments were

internationally formalized in 1947 in the GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND

TRADE, when 23 nations participated in an extensive mutual lowering of

trade barriers. In 1948, at American initiative, the ORGANIZATION OF

AMERICAN STATES was established to provide a regional multilateral

consultative body in the Western Hemisphere. Within Europe, the Marshall

Plan required the formation of Europe-wide organizations, leading

eventually to the Common Market.

Toward the USSR, the basic American policy was that known as containment:

building "situations of strength" around its vast perimeter to prevent the

outward spread of communism. Angered Americans blamed the USSR for world

disorder and came to regard the peace of the entire world as a U.S.

responsibility. After their immense war effort, many Americans believed

that the United States could accomplish whatever it desired to do. Also,

having defeated one form of tyranny, fascism, and now being engaged in

resisting another, Stalinist communism, the American people assumed with

few questions that, since their cause was just, whatever they did in its

name was right. Critics of national policy were harshly condemned.

A series of East-West crises, most dramatically the Berlin Blockade of 1948-

49, led to the creation (April 1949) of the NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY

ORGANIZATION. The NATO alliance sought to link the United States militarily

to Western Europe (including Greece and Turkey) by making an attack against

one member an attack against all. As Europe recovered its prosperity, the

focus of East-West confrontation shifted to Asia, where the British,

French, and Dutch empires were collapsing and the Communist revolution in

China was moving toward its victory (October 1949). In June 1950 the North

Korean army invaded South Korea. The United Nations Security Council (which

the Soviets were then boycotting) called on UN members jointly to repel

this attack. Shortly afterward, a multinational force under Gen. Douglas

MacArthur was battling to turn back North Korean forces in the KOREAN WAR.

As the UN army swept northward to the Manchurian border, Chinese forces

flooded southward to resist them, and a long, bloody seesaw war ensued. An

armistice was not signed until July 1953, following 150,000 American

casualties and millions of deaths among the Koreans and Chinese.

Domestic Developments during the Truman Years

In 1945, President Truman called on Congress to launch another program of

domestic reform, but the nation was indifferent. It was riding a wave of

affluence such as it had never dreamed of in the past. Tens of millions of

people found themselves moving upward into a middle-class way of life. The

cold war, and the pervasive fear of an atomic war, induced a trend toward

national unity and a downplaying of social criticism. The Atomic Energy Act

of 1946 nationalized nuclear power, putting it under civilian control, but

no other bold departures were made. What fascinated Americans was the so-

called baby boom--a huge increase in the birthrate (the population was at

150 million by 1950 and 179 million by 1960)--and the need to house new

families and teach their children.

In the presence of rapidly rising inflation, labor unions called thousands

of strikes, leading in 1948 to passage of the Taft-Hartley Act (see LABOR-

MANAGEMENT RELATIONS ACT), which limited the powers of unions, declared

certain of their tactics "unfair labor practices," and gave the president

power to secure 80-day "cooling off periods" by court injunction. As union

benefits increased nationwide, however, industrial warfare quieted. In 1948

the United Automobile Workers won automatic "cost of living" pay increases

in their contracts and in 1955 the guaranteed annual wage. In 1955 merger

negotiations were completed for the formation of the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF


percent of all union members were now in one organization.

Fears that Russian communism was taking over the entire world were

pervasive during the Truman years. Soviet spy rings were discovered in the

United States, Canada, and Great Britain. In 1948-50 a sensational trial

for perjury led to the conviction of a former State Department official,

Alger HISS, on the grounds that while in the department he had been part of

a Communist cell and had passed secrets to the Soviets. In 1950 a Soviet

spy ring was uncovered in the Los Alamos atomic installation. These events,

together with the explosion (1949) of a Soviet atomic bomb and the victory

(1949) of the Communists in China, prompted a widespread conviction that

subversive conspiracies within the American government were leading toward

Soviet triumph.

In February 1950, Republican Sen. Joseph R. MCCARTHY of Wisconsin began a 4-

year national crisis, during which he insisted repeatedly that he had

direct evidence of such conspiracies in the federal government, even in the

army. The entire country seemed swept up in a hysteria in which anyone left

of center was attacked as a subversive. A program to root out alleged

security risks in the national government led to a massive collapse in

morale in its departments; it destroyed the State Department's corps of

experts on Far Eastern and Soviet affairs. The Truman administration's

practice of foreign policy was brought practically to a halt. In 1952,

Dwight D. EISENHOWER, nationally revered supreme commander in Europe during

World War II, was elected president (1953-61) on the Republican ticket, but

soon McCarthy was attacking him as well for running a "weak, immoral, and

cowardly" foreign policy. In 1954 a long and dramatic series of

congressional hearings, the first to be nationally televised, destroyed

McCarthy's credibility. He was censured by the Senate, and a measure of

national stability returned.

The Eisenhower Years

Eisenhower declared himself uninterested in repealing the New Deal, but he

was socially and economically conservative and his presidency saw the

enactment of few reforms. His appointment of Earl WARREN as chief justice

of the Supreme Court, however, led to a Court that suddenly seized so bold

and active a role in national life that many called it revolutionary.

During Warren's long tenure (1953-69), the Court swept away the legal basis

for racial discrimination; ruled that every person must be represented

equally in state legislatures and in the U.S. House of Representatives;

changed criminal-justice procedures by ensuring crucial rights to the

accused; broadened the artist's right to publish works shocking to the

general public; and in major ways limited the government's ability to

penalize individuals for their beliefs or associations.

No decision of the Warren Court was more historic than that in BROWN V.

BOARD OF EDUCATION OF TOPEKA, KANSAS (1954), which ruled unanimously that

racial segregation in the public schools was unconstitutional. This great

decision--followed by others that struck down segregation in all public

facilities and in elections and marriage laws--sparked a revolution in race-

relations law. The separate-but-equal principle was cast aside, and the

Second Reconstruction could get underway. Now black Americans could charge

that the statutory discrimination that tied them down and kept them in a

secondary caste was illegal, a fact that added enormous moral weight to

their cause. Resistance by southern whites to desegregated public education

would make the advance of that cause frustratingly slow, however. By 1965

black children had been admitted to white schools in fewer than 25 percent

of southern school districts. The fight for racial equality was not limited

to the South, for by 1960 only 60 percent of black Americans remained

there; 73 percent of them also lived in cities: they were no longer simply

a scattered, powerless rural labor force in the South.

In 1957 the Soviet government launched its first orbiting satellite,

Sputnik, and a national controversy erupted. Why are we so far behind in

the crucial area of rocketry? Americans asked. Many critics replied that

weaknesses in public education, especially in science and technology, were

the root cause. In 1958, Congress enacted the first general education law

since the Morrill Act of 1862--the NATIONAL DEFENSE EDUCATION ACT. It

authorized $1 billion for education from primary level through university

graduate training, inaugurating a national policy that became permanent

thereafter and that resulted in the spending of huge sums and the

transformation of American public education.

Eisenhower's foreign policy, under Secretary of State John Foster DULLES,

was more nationalist and unilateral than Truman's. American-dominated

alliances ringed the Soviet and Chinese perimeters. Little consultation

with Western European allies preceded major American initiatives, and in

consequence the United States and Western Europe began drifting apart.

Persistent recessions in the American economy hobbled the national growth

rate while the Soviet and Western European economies surged dramatically.

An aggressive Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet premier, trumpeted that communism

would bury capitalism and boasted of Moscow's powerful intercontinental

missiles while encouraging so-called wars of liberation in Southeast Asia

and elsewhere.


During the 1960s and 1970s cold-war concerns gave way as attention focused

on social and cultural rebellions at home. Involvement in a long and

indecisive war in Asia and scandals that reached into the White House

eroded the confidence of many Americans in their country's values and

system of government. The United States survived such challenges, however,

and emerged from the 1970s subdued but intact.

The Exuberant Kennedy Years

The Democratic senator John F. KENNEDY, asserting that he wanted to "get

the country moving again,"won the presidency in a narrow victory over Vice-

President Richard M. NIXON in 1960. The charismatic Kennedy stimulated a

startling burst of national enthusiasm and aroused high hopes among the

young and the disadvantaged. Within 3 years his Peace Corps (see ACTION)

sent about 10,000 Americans (mostly young people) abroad to work in 46

countries. Kennedy's ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS proposed a 10-year plan to

transform the economies of the Latin American nations (partially

successful, it sunk out of sight during the Vietnam War). He also proposed

massive tariff cuts between the increasingly protectionist European Common

Market and the world at large. (The so-called Kennedy Round of tariff

negotiations concluded in 1967 with the largest and widest tariff cuts in

modern history.) In June 1961, Kennedy pulled together the disparate,

disorganized space effort by giving it a common goal: placing an American

on the moon. Responding enthusiastically, Congress poured out billions of

dollars to finance the project. (After the APOLLO PROGRAM succeeded, on

July 20, 1969, in landing astronauts on the moon, the space effort remained

in motion, if at a reduced pace.)

Kennedy blundered into a major defeat within 3 months of entering the White

House. He kept in motion a plan sponsored by the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE

AGENCY (CIA) and begun by the Eisenhower administration to land an invasion

force in Cuba, which under Fidel Castro had become a Communist state and a

Soviet state. The BAY OF PIGS INVASION failed, utterly and completely. The

force was quickly smashed when it struggled onto the beaches of the Bay of

Pigs in April 1961. During the succeeding 2 years, Kennedy labored to break

the rigid cold-war relationship with the USSR. In October 1962, however, he

discovered that the Soviets were rapidly building missile emplacements in

Cuba. Surrounding the island with a naval blockade, he induced the Soviets

to desist, and the sites were eventually dismantled. The relieved world

discovered that, when pushed to the crisis point, the two major powers

could stop short of nuclear war. This CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS effectively

ended the cold war.

The atomic bomb now seemed defused, and Moscow seemed ready to negotiate on

crucial issues (perhaps, it was suggested 15 years later, to give the

Soviets time to build a far more powerful armaments system). A new and more

relaxed relationship developed slowly into the U.S.-Soviet DETENTE that

emerged in the late 1960s and persisted through the 1970s. A test-ban

treaty, the Moscow Agreement (see ARMS CONTROL), signed in October 1963

symbolized the opening of the new relationship. Three of the world's

nuclear powers (Great Britain, the United States, and the USSR--the fourth,

France, did not sign) agreed to end the detonation of atomic explosions in

the atmosphere.

In this new environment of security, American culture, long restrained by

the sense of team spirit and conformity that the crises of depression, war,

and cold war had induced, broke loose into multiplying swift changes.

People now began talking excitedly of "doing their own thing." The media

were filled with discussions of the rapidly changing styles of dress and

behavior among the young; of the "new woman" (or the "liberated woman," as

she became known); of new sexual practices and attitudes and new styles of

living. The sense of community faded. Romanticism shaped the new mood, with

its emphasis on instinct and impulse rather than reason, ecstatic release

rather than restraint, individualism and self-gratification rather than

group discipline.

Assassination and Cultural Rebellion

The excitement of Kennedy's presidency and his calls to youth to serve the

nation had inspired the young, both black and white. His assassination in

November 1963 shocked and dismayed Americans of all ages, and the

psychological links he had fashioned between "the system" and young people

began to dissolve. His successor, Lyndon B. JOHNSON, later shouldering the

onus of an unpopular war, was unable to build a reservoir of trust among

the young. As the large demographic group that had constituted the "baby

boom" of the post-World War II years reached college age, it became the

"wild generation" of student radicals and "hippies" who rebelled against

political and cultural authority.

Styles of life changed swiftly. Effective oral contraceptives, Playboy

magazine, and crucial Supreme Court decisions helped make the United

States, long one of the world's most prudish nations in sexual matters, one

of its most liberated. The drug culture mushroomed. Communal living groups

of "dropouts" who rejected mass culture received widespread attention.

People more than 30 years old reacted angrily against the flamboyant youth

(always a small minority of the young generation) who flouted traditional

standards, glorified self-indulgence, and scorned discipline.

In the second half of the 1960s this generation gap widened as many of the

young (along with large numbers of older people) questioned U.S.

involvement in Vietnam. Peaceful protests led to violent confrontations,

and differences concerning styles of life blurred with disagreements about

the degree of allegiance that individuals owed to the American system. In

1968 the assassinations of the Rev. Martin Luther KING, Jr., and President

Kennedy's brother Robert F. KENNEDY seemed to confirm suspicions that dark

currents of violence underlay many elements in American society.

Race Relations during the 1960s and 1970s

Race relations was one area with great potential for violence, although

many black leaders stressed nonviolence. Since the mid -1950s, King and

others had been leading disciplined mass protests of black Americans in the

South against segregation, emphasizing appeals to the conscience of the

white majority. The appeals of these leaders and judicial rulings on the

illegality of segregationist practices were vital parts of the Second

Reconstruction, which transformed the role and status of black Americans,

energizing every other cultural movement as well. At the same time,

southern white resistance to the ending of segregation, with its attendant

violence, stimulated a northern-dominated Congress to enact (1957) the

first civil rights law since 1875, creating the Commission on Civil Rights

and prohibiting interference with the right to vote (blacks were still

massively disenfranchised in many southern states). A second enactment

(1960) provided federal referees to aid blacks in registering for and

voting in federal elections. In 1962, President Kennedy dispatched troops

to force the University of Mississippi (a state institution) to admit James

Meredith, a black student. At the same time, he forbade racial or religious

discrimination in federally financed housing.

Kennedy then asked Congress to enact a law to guarantee equal access to all

public accommodations, forbid discrimination in any state program receiving

federal aid, and outlaw discrimination in employment and voting. After

Kennedy's death, President Johnson prodded Congress into enacting (August

1965) a voting-rights bill that eliminated all qualifying tests for

registration that had as their objective limiting the right to vote to

whites. Thereafter, massive voter registration drives in the South sent the

proportion of registered blacks spurting upward from less than 30 to over

53 percent in 1966.

The civil rights phase of the black revolution had reached its legislative

and judicial summit. Then, from 1964 to 1968, more than a hundred American

cities were swept by RACE RIOTS, which included dynamitings, guerrilla

warfare, and huge conflagrations, as the anger of the northern black

community at its relatively low income, high unemployment, and social

exclusion exploded. At this violent expression of hopelessness the northern

white community drew back rapidly from its reformist stance on the race

issue (the so-called white backlash). In 1968, swinging rightward in its

politics, the nation chose as president Richard M. Nixon, who was not in

favor of using federal power to aid the disadvantaged. Individual

advancement, he believed, had to come by individual effort.

Nonetheless, fundamental changes continued in relations between white and

black. Although the economic disparity in income did not disappear--indeed,

it widened, as unemployment within black ghettos and among black youths

remained at a high level in the 1970s--white-dominated American culture

opened itself significantly toward black people. Entrance requirements for

schools and colleges were changed; hundreds of communities sought to work

out equitable arrangements to end de facto segregation in the schools

(usually with limited success, and to the accompaniment of a white flight

to different school districts); graduate programs searched for black

applicants; and integration in jobs and in the professions expanded. Blacks

moved into the mainstream of the party system, for the voting- rights

enactments transformed national politics. The daily impact of television

helped make blacks, seen in shows and commercial advertisements, seem an

integral part of a pluralistic nation.

Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans were also becoming more prominent in

American life. Reaching the level of 9 million by the 1960s, Spanish-

surnamed Americans had become the second largest ethnic minority; they,

too, were asserting their right to equitable treatment in politics, in

culture, and in economic affairs.

Kennedy-Johnson Legislative Accomplishments

In his first 3 months of office, Kennedy sent 39 messages and letters to

Congress asking for reform legislation--messages dealing with health care,

education, housing and community development, civil rights, transportation,

and many other areas. His narrow margin of victory in 1960, however, had

not seemed a mandate for change, and an entrenched coalition of Republicans

and conservative southern Democrats in Congress had prevented the

achievement of many of Kennedy's legislative goals by the time of his

death. Johnson, who in 1964 won an enormous victory over the Republican

presidential candidate, Barry GOLDWATER, and carried on his coattails a

large Democratic congressional majority, proceeded with consummate

political skill to enact this broad program.

Johnson launched his WAR ON POVERTY, which focused on children and young

people, providing them with better education and remedial training, and

Congress created a domestic Peace Corps (VISTA). Huge sums went to the

states for education. MEDICARE was enacted in 1965, providing millions of

elderly Americans a kind of security from the costs of illness that they

had never known before. Following Kennedy's Clean Air Act of 1963, the

Water Quality Act of 1965 broadened the effort to combat pollution. New

national parks were established, and a Wilderness Act to protect primeval

regions was passed. The Economic Development Administration moved into

depressed areas, such as Appalachia. Billions were appropriated for urban

redevelopment and public housing.

At War in Vietnam

The VIETNAM WAR, however, destroyed the Johnson presidency. The United

States had been the protector of South Vietnam since 1954, when the Geneva

Conference had divided Vietnam into a communist North and a pro-Western

South. By 1961 an internal revolution had brought the South Vietnamese

regime to the point of toppling. President Kennedy, deciding that South

Vietnam was salvageable and that he could not allow another communist

victory, sent in 15,000 military advisors and large supplies of munitions.

By 1964 it was clear that a collapse was again impending (the CIA warned

that the reason was the regime's harshness and corruption), and Johnson

decided to escalate American involvement. After his electoral victory that

year, he began aerial bombardment of North Vietnam, which persisted almost

continuously for 3 years to no apparent result other than the destruction

of large parts of the North and heavy loss of life. Meanwhile, the world at

large (and many Americans) condemned the U.S. military actions.

In April 1965, Johnson began sending American ground troops to Vietnam, the

total reaching nearly 550,000 in early 1969. (In that year alone, with a

full-scale naval, aerial, and ground war being waged in Vietnam, total

expenditures there reached $100 billion.) Huge regions in the South were

laid waste by American troops in search of hostile forces. Still victory

eluded. Responding to mass public protests that went on year after year and

put the United States in a state of near- insurrection--and in recognition

of fruitless American casualties, which in 1967 passed 100,000--Johnson

decided in March 1968 to halt the bombing of the North and to begin

deescalation. At the same time he announced that he would not run for

reelection. From being an immensely popular president, he had descended to

a position as one of the most hated and reviled occupants of that office.

Foreign Policy under Nixon

When Richard M. Nixon became president in 1969, he profoundly changed U.S.

foreign policy. The new theme was withdrawal from commitments around the

globe. Nixon revived the kind of nationalist, unilateral foreign policy

that, since Theodore Roosevelt, presidents of his political tradition had

preferred. With Henry KISSINGER as an advisor and later as secretary of

state, he began a kind of balance-of-power diplomacy. He preferred to keep

the United States free of lasting commitments (even to former allies) so

that it could move back and forth between the other four power centers--

Europe, the USSR, China, and Japan--and maintain world equilibrium.

Nixon soon announced his "Vietnamization" policy, which meant a slow

withdrawal of American forces and a heavy building up of the South Vietnam

army. Nonetheless, in the 3 years 1969-71, 15,000 more Americans died

fighting in Vietnam. In April 1970, Nixon launched a huge invasion of

Cambodia in a vain attempt to clear out communist "sanctuaries."

Then, most dramatically, he deflected world attention by ending the long

American quarantine of Communist China, visiting Peking in February 1972

for general discussions on all matters of mutual concern--a move that led

to the establishment (1979) of diplomatic relations. At the same time, he

continued the heavy bombing attacks on North Vietnam that he had

reinstituted in late 1971. He brushed aside as "without binding force or

effect"the congressional attempt to halt American fighting in Vietnam by

repealing the TONKIN GULF RESOLUTION of 1964, which had authorized Johnson

to begin military operations. Nixon asserted that as commander in chief he

could do anything he deemed necessary to protect the lives of American

troops still in Vietnam.

In May 1972, Nixon became the first American president to consult with

Soviet leaders in Moscow, leaving with major agreements relating to trade,

cooperation in space programs and other fields of technology, cultural

exchanges, and many other areas. He became more popular as prosperity waxed

and as negotiations with the North Vietnamese in Paris seemed to be

bringing the Vietnam War to a halt. In 1972 the Democrats nominated for the

presidency Sen. George MCGOVERN of South Dakota, a man who for years had

advocated women's rights, black equality, and greater power for the young.

With the nation's increasingly conservative cultural mood and the trend in

Vietnam, Nixon won a massive landslide victory. In January 1973, Nixon

announced a successful end to the Vietnamese negotiations: a cease-fire was

established and an exchange of prisoners provided for.


Few presidents could ever have been more confident of a successful second

term than Richard Nixon at this point. But before the year 1973 was out,

his administration had fallen into the gravest scandal in American history.

By March 1974 the stunning events of the WATERGATE crisis and associated

villainies had led to the resignation of more than a dozen high officials--

including the vice-president (for the acceptance of graft)--and the

indictment or conviction of many others. Their criminal acts included

burglary, forgery, illegal wiretapping and electronic surveillance,

perjury, obstruction of justice, bribery, and many other offenses.

These scandalous events had their roots in the long Democratic years

beginning with Roosevelt, when the American presidency had risen in a kind

of solitary majesty to become overwhelmingly the most powerful agency of

government. All that was needed for grave events to occur was the

appearance in the White House of individuals who would put this immense

power to its full use. Lyndon Johnson was such a man, for he was driven by

gargantuan dreams. One result was America's disastrous war in Vietnam.

Richard Nixon, too, believed in the imperial authority of the presidency.

He envisioned politics as an arena in which he represented true Americanism

and his critics the forces of subversion.

At least from 1969, Nixon operated on the principle that, at his direction,

federal officials could violate the law. On June 17, 1972, members of his

Special Investigations Unit (created without congressional authorization)

were arrested while burglarizing the national Democratic party offices in

the Watergate office-and-apartment complex in Washington, D.C.

A frantic effort then began, urged on by the president, to cover up links

between the Watergate burglars and the executive branch. This cover-up

constituted an obstruction of justice, a felony. This fact, however, was

kept hidden through many months of congressional hearings (begun in May

1973) into the burglaries. Televised, they were watched by multitudes. The

American people learned of millions of dollars jammed into office safes and

sluiced about from hand to hand to finance shady dealings, of elaborate

procedures for covering tracks and destroying papers, and of tapes

recording the president's conversations with his aides.

With Watergate eroding Nixon's prestige, Congress finally halted American

fighting in Indochina by cutting off funds (after Aug. 15, 1973) to finance

the bombing of Cambodia, which had continued after the Vietnam Peace

Agreement. Thus, America's longest war was finally concluded. In November

1973, Congress passed, over the president's veto, the War Powers Act,

sharply limiting the executive's freedom of action in initiating foreign

wars. When Vice-President Spiro T. AGNEW resigned his office on Oct. 10,

1973, Nixon, with Senate ratification, appointed Gerald R. Ford to replace


On July 24, 1974, the Supreme Court ordered Nixon to deliver his Oval

Office tapes to Congress. This order, in turn, led to the revelation that

he had directly approved the cover-up. Informed by Republican congressional

leaders of his certain conviction in forthcoming impeachment proceedings,

Richard Nixon resigned the presidency on Aug. 9, 1974.

The Third Century Begins

As the nation approached its bicentennial anniversary under President

Gerald R. FORD (1974-77), it was reassured that the Constitution had

worked: a president guilty of grave offenses had been made peacefully to

leave his office. The American people had become aware, however, in the

Vietnam conflict, of the limits to their nation's strength and of questions

as to the moral legitimacy of its purposes. They had also learned, in the

Watergate scandal, of the danger of corruption of the republic's democratic

values. The nation's cities were in grave difficulties; its nonwhite

peoples still lagged far behind the whites in income and opportunity;

unemployment seemed fixed at a level of more than 6 percent, which, for

minorities and the young, translated into much higher figures, and

inflation threatened to erode the buying power of everyone in the country.

Most of these problems continued to plague the American nation during the

presidency (1977-81) of Jimmy CARTER, Democrat of Georgia, who defeated

Ford in the 1976 election. Carter brought to the presidency an informality

and sense of piety. He arranged negotiations for an Egyptian-Israeli peace

treaty (signed in 1979) and guided the Panama Canal treaty through narrow

Senate approval (1978). Carter also had to deal with shortages of petroleum

that threatened to bring the energy- hungry U.S. economy to a standstill,

with soaring inflation and interest rates, with the taking (1979) of U.S.

hostages by Iranian militants (see IRANIAN HOSTAGE CRISIS), and with an

international crisis precipitated by Soviet intervention (1979) in

Afghanistan. His popularity waned as problems remained unsolved, and in

1980 the voters turned overwhelmingly to the conservative Republican

candidate, Ronald REAGAN.

Robert Kelley

The Reagan Era

The release of the U.S. hostages in Iran on the same day as Reagan's

inauguration launched the new administration on a wave of euphoria. Aided

by a torrent of goodwill following an attempt on his life in March 1981,

Reagan persuaded the Congress to cut government spending for welfare,

increase outlays for defense, reduce taxes, and deregulate private

enterprise. His "supply side" economic policy (dubbed "Reaganomics" by the

media) anticipated that lower taxes and a freer market would stimulate

investment and that a prosperous, expanding economy would increase

employment, reduce inflation, and provide enough government revenue to

eliminate future budget deficits.

The "Reagan Revolution," combined with the tight money policies of the

Federal Reserve System, initially dismayed those who hoped for a reversal

of the economic stagnation of the 1970s. Although high interest rates

helped cut inflation from more than 12 percent in 1980 to less than 7

percent in 1982, unemployment rose from 7 percent to 11 percent--the

highest rate since 1940--and the annual federal deficit soared to $117

billion, almost twice as high as it had ever been. The United States

experienced its worst recession since the 1930s. Beginning in 1983,

however, the economy rebounded sharply. By the end of 1986, 11 million new

jobs had been created, the consumer price index had dropped from 13.1

percent in 1979 to just 4.1 percent, and the Dow-Jones average had climbed

to an all-time high.

The Reagan recovery did little for rural America or for the declining

industrial regions of the Midwest. In the first half of the 1980s, 8.4

million people joined the ranks of the poor, an increase of 40 percent.

Nearly 33 million Americans--one out of every seven--were reported as

living below the poverty line. But the bulk of middle-class America, buoyed

by low inflation and its own prosperity, gave the president high marks for

his economic program. Conservatives were pleased with his appointments to

the federal bench, his declarations of faith in traditional values, and his

proud patriotism.

In practice, and often in response to congressional pressure, Reagan

balanced his ardent anti-Communist rhetoric with generally restrained

foreign-policy actions. He denounced the USSR as an "evil empire" but ended

the embargo on grain sales to the Soviets imposed by President Carter after

the invasion of Afghanistan. While presiding over the largest peacetime

military buildup in U.S. history, he observed the still- unratified SALT II

arms control treaty negotiated by his predecessor. He sent American troops

to Lebanon as part of a peacekeeping force but withdrew them after 241

marines were killed in a bomb attack in October 1983.

Only in Central America and the Caribbean did the president's actions match

his rhetoric. To quash a Communist revolt in El Salvador, Reagan committed

military advisors and furnished financial aid to the Salvadoran government.

Determined to oust Nicaragua's pro-Communist Sandinista government, he gave

covert aid to antigovernment rebels--known as the contras--in defiance of a

congressional ban on such aid. In 1983 he used military force to topple a

pro-Cuban regime on the Caribbean island of Grenada.

Reagan and his running mate, George Bush, easily defeated their Democratic

opponents, Walter MONDALE and Geraldine FERRARO, in 1984, but the Democrats

maintained control of Congress and the president offered fewer domestic

initiatives during his second term. Partisan wrangling over what parts of

the budget to cut in order to reduce the staggering federal deficit led to

passage of the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act (1985), which mandated automatic,

across-the-board spending cuts over a period of years. The Supreme Court

declared the automatic cuts unconstitutional in 1986, however, and repeated

failure by the president and Congress to agree on budget reductions kept

the deficit at record levels. Disputes over the control of trade policy

also worsened the imbalance of imports over exports, which rose to $161

billion in 1987.

Tax reductions and defense spending, however, kept the economy booming.

Reagan boosted defense spending 35 percent above the 1980 level, and in

1986 he secured congressional approval for a major INCOME TAX reform law

that further cut taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals and also

reduced by 6 million the number of poorer taxpayers.

At the end of Reagan's tenure the GOP could boast that his administration

had helped create 16.5 million new jobs, bring down the unemployment rate

to a 17-year low, cut double-digit inflation down to about 4 percent, and

raise the gross national product by one-third. Democrats, on the other

hand, could criticize "Reaganomics" for promoting prosperity at the expense

of the poor and the nation's future well-being. The number of people below

the poverty line rose by 8 million, and their lot was made worse by cuts of

nearly $50 billion in social-welfare programs. Reductions in subsidized

housing from $30 billion in 1981 to $7 billion in 1988 made HOMELESSNESS

part of the national lexicon, and the number of Americans without any

health-care insurance rose to 37 million. By borrowing rather than taxing

to rearm, Reagan mortgaged the financial future. The cost of servicing the

national debt rose from 8.9 percent of all federal outlays in 1980 to 14.8

percent in 1989. Moreover, persistent trade and budget deficits made the

country a debtor nation for the first time since 1914.

During its eight years in office, the administration had a significant

impact on the composition of the federal judiciary. President Reagan

appointed three conservatives to the Supreme Court and elevated

conservative William Rehnquist to the position of chief justice. Overall,

he filled about half of the 700 federal judgeships, most of them with

conservative appointees.

A major scandal of Reagan's second term was the IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR, in

which national security advisor John M. Poindexter, Marine Lt. Col. Oliver

North, and other administration officials were involved in a secret scheme

to sell arms to Iran, diverting some of the proceeds to the contra rebels

in Nicaragua. Investigation of this affair by Congress in 1987 led to the

prosecution of Poindexter and North, and damaged the administration's


Ironically, developments in foreign affairs during Ronald Reagan's second

term led this most anti-Communist of presidents into a new, harmonious

relationship with the Soviet Union and to sign the first superpower treaty

that actually reduced nuclear armaments. Soviet leader Mikhail GORBACHEV,

determined to relax tensions with the West, met with Reagan in 1985 and

1986; in 1987 they signed the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, and in

1988 a triumphant Reagan traveled to Moscow for a fourth summit and further

arms-reduction talks.

The Bush Administration

The remarkable reduction in cold-war tensions, combined with the promise of

continued prosperity with no increase in taxes, carried Republicans George

BUSH and Dan QUAYLE to victory over Democratic candidates Michael DUKAKIS

and Lloyd BENTSEN in 1988. Lacking his predecessor's strong personal

following and facing a Democratic-controlled Congress, Bush sought to

govern in a more moderate, middle-of-the-road way than Reagan. The rapid

demise of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989-90 and upheaval in the USSR

in 1991 provided him with an opportunity to lessen international tensions

and to reclaim the primacy of the United States in world affairs. Bush

intervened militarily in Panama in 1989 to overthrow its president, Manuel

NORIEGA. In mid-1990, responding to Iraq's invasion and annexation of

Kuwait, he ordered more than 400,000 American troops to the Persian Gulf

region to defend Saudi Arabia. When Iraqi troops refused to withdraw from

Kuwait in January 1991, demanded by Bush in an ultimatum, he authorized a

massive bombing, and then ground assault, on Iraq and its forces in Kuwait,

and won a swift victory. (See PERSIAN GULF WAR.)

Decisive in acting abroad, Bush failed to evolve a domestic program that

adequately addressed a persistent recession starting in 1990. That year,

despite the recession, he and congressional leaders agreed to a deficit-

reduction package that raised federal taxes, thereby breaking his "no new

taxes" 1988 election campaign pledge. He also failed on his promise to be

both "the environment president" and "the education president," and angered

many women by nominating Clarence THOMAS to the Supreme Court and

continuing to support him despite allegations of sexual harassment.

Concerned about the economy and demanding change, many conservative

Republicans backed political columnist Patrick J. Buchanan's effort to

contest Bush's renomination while moderates rallied to the independent

candidacy of H. Ross PEROT. Also focusing on the nation's economic woes and

promising change, William Jefferson "Bill" CLINTON, governor of Arkansas,

beat several rivals in the Democratic primaries and chose as his running

mate Tennessee senator Albert GORE--like Clinton, a baby-boomer, a white

Southern Baptist, and a moderate. Capitalizing on a slumping economy and

increasing unemployment, the Clinton-Gore ticket won 43 percent of the

highest voter turnout (55 percent) since 1976 and 370 electoral votes. The

Republicans Bush and Quayle tallied just 37 percent of the popular vote and

168 electoral votes, while Perot garnered 19 percent.

The Clinton Administration

Despite the movement into Washington of new people with fresh ideas, the

Clinton administration got off to a slow, unsteady start. Crises in Bosnia,

Haiti, Somalia, and Russia forced the president to focus on the volatile,

multipolar world of the post-cold war era. At the same time, Clinton backed

down from his promise to prohibit discrimination against gays in the

military and reneged on his pledge, for lack of revenue, to cut middle-

class taxes. Defeated by Congress on his proposals to stimulate the

economy, Clinton then won by the narrowest of margins a highly compromised

federal budget plan to reduce the deficit. The president had more success

in persuading Congress to enact family-leave, "motor voter" registration

(see VOTER REGISTRATION), and campaign finance reform bills, to approve the

NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT, and to consent to his nomination of

Ruth Bader GINSBURG to the Supreme Court. Clinton's future effectiveness

and reputation rested largely on the fate of his plans to reform the health-

care system and to provide effective solutions to the problems of economic

insecurity and social disorder haunting middle-class Americans.

Harvard Sitkoff



Ahlstrom, Sydney E., A Religious History of the American People (1972);

Banner, Lois W., Women in Modern America, 2d ed. (1984); Barth, Gunther,

Fleeting Moments: Nature and Culture in American History (1990); Blum, John

M., et al., The National Experience: A History of the United States, 7th

ed. (1989); Cohen, Warren I., ed., The Cambridge History of American

Foreign Relations, 4 vols. (1993); Curti, Merle Eugene, The Growth of

American Thought, 3d ed. (1964; repr. 1981); Ferrell, Robert H., American

Diplomacy, 3d ed. (1975); Garraty, J. A., The American Nation, 7th ed.

(1991); Heilbroner, R. L., and Singer, Aaron, The Economic Transformation

of America: 1600 to Present, 2d ed. (1984); Hofstadter, Richard, The

American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It, 2d ed. (1973);

Huckshorn, R. J., Political Parties in America, 2d ed. (1983); Morison, S.

E., and Commager, H. S., The Growth of the American Republic, 2 vols., 7th

ed. (1980).

To c.1860:

Bailyn, Bernard, The Peopling of British North America (1986); Boorstin,

Daniel Joseph, The Americans: The National Experience (1965; repr. 1985);

Elkins, Stanley, and McKitrick, Eric, The Age of Federalism (1993);

Genovese, Eugene, Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made (1974).

From c.1860:

Biles, Roger, A New Deal for the American People (1991); Foner, Eric,

Reconstruction (1988); Higham, John, Strangers in the Land: Patterns of

American Nativism, 1860-1925, 2d ed. (1965; repr. 1988); Hodgson, Godfrey,

America in Our Time (1976); Hofstadter, Richard, The Age of Reform: From

Bryan to F. D. R. (1955); Leffler, Melvin, A Preponderance of Power (1992);

Leuchtenburg, William E., Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940

(1963); and In the Shadow of FDR: From Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan

(1985); McPherson, James M., Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era

(1988); Nevins, Allan, Ordeal of the Union, 8 vols. (1947-71); Painter,

Neil I., Standing at Armageddon: The United States 1877-1919 (1987);

Preston, Daniel, Twentieth Century United States History (1992); Schlereth,

Thomas J., Victorian America (1988); Schlossstein, Steven, The End of the

American Century (1990); Sitkoff, Harvard, The Struggle for Black Equality,

1954-1992 (1993); Wiebe, R. H., The Search for Order, 1877-1920 (1967;

repr. 1980); Winkler, Allan, Modern America (1991).



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